The Gusset on the Great Socks

So when I said “Tomorrow, the gussett!” what I meant was “Friday, the gussett!” I can see how you would be confused.

sock and lily

Here’s what you do:

**Added 4/22/2006: You can print out the complete HayStack Socks pattern here!**

K across the 7 sts on needle one. Pick up and knit 21 sts along the heel flap. Work across the instep sts on needle two. Pick up and knit 21 sts along the heel flap and knit the 7 sts on needle three. (28-36-28 sts on the needles)

If you want to continue the pattern on the instep, work round 9 as:
K5, *(P1 wrapping needle twice) twice, K4 rep from star to last 5 sts, K5
Then slip the purl sts as usual for rounds 10-14.

Decreasing on the Gussett
Round 1
Needle 1: K all sts
Needle 2: Work across needle
Needle 3: K all sts
Round 2
Needle 1: K to the last 3 sts, K2tog, K1
Needle 2: Work across needle
Needle 3: K1, SSK, K to the end of needle

Repeat these two rows until a total of 72 sts remains on needles (18-36-18). According to my math, this should be 12 repetitions.

Now as a tiny note: This doesn’t seem like enough decreases to me, but I made the heel flap 2.5 inches long for crying out loud so it should be fine. Maybe it has something to do with the Dutch Heel.

Incidentally, Lene (my yarn buddy) has this to add about heels:

PS: On socks – “Dutch heel” (or German, as it is know as in Europe) – was what I learned from my grandmother and what she learned from her grandmother… so on. I think it fits great, but if you have experienced that the heel didnt fit right in stockinette, have you tried to make it larger? Most often the problem is a shallow heel or a too-short foot, OR a too-large instep. If the heel slips away and you find yourself walking on the side of the heel, try using 60% of the sock stitches for the heel instead of 50%, and still knit a square for the heel flap. Especially usefull is this trick if you are knitting a pattern on the heel that will pull in, like your reinforced heel, which will make the heel smaller in the width. Phew what a long PS.. sorry, but once I get started…

Then she mentioned (in another email that was really about licorice):

If you have very broad heels, try to knit the square and just pick up stitches from the side of it instead of knitting the bottom of the heel. The gusset would be much longer, but the side of the heel would be shorter, evening it all out. I have very small heels, and as such do not use this technique, but for men with large heels this is a godsend method (Do not use it, however, with any yarn thicker than sock weight, because it may create a bit more bulk).

Did I tell you what Salmiak is? Klaus (Mr. Intrepid, wearer of Cool Socks) looked everything up in his German-English dictionary (“Glukosesirup” is “grape syrup”) and translated “Salmiak” into it’s chemical name. Then Lene wrote that “7,99% Salmiak” is the maximum amount of licorice flavoring allowed by law! Which doesn’t surprise me, that is some Potent Candy.

P.S. OHOHOH I am going to Maryland Sheep and Wool! KT invited me up (her reasoning was that MD isn’t that much farther than Atlanta – heh) and who would pass up a chance to meet one of their Best Blogging Buddies? Not me – I hate to miss a chance to hug a neck in person! So M and I are going (Great Gran expressed Dismay that I was ready to hop on a plane to meet a stranger I met on the internet – to be fair, that is the kind of thing cable news lives for – hence the Traveling Companion). Joy!

12 thoughts on “The Gusset on the Great Socks

  1. kt

    Oooh! I’m jealous! I want to go meet KT and shop for wool and such! Please tell your Great Gran not to worry too overmuch–I think someone with small, hollering boys is a fairly safe person to hang around with. And besides, she uses those great initials to sign her witty posts and comments!

  2. Lene

    I would so totally jump on a plane for a chance to visit Net-friends too! I freaked my parents out when I jumped on a plane with 5-days-notice in october 01′ (barely 18) and visited Texas for a week, meeting two Net-friends (and all of their family, friends, dogs, cats, PIGS…)
    Plus there is yarn to have I bet, so what could be better?
    MMhh.. sock heels… I love sock heels. And socks. And warm feet. And knitting socks. And warm feet in knitted socks.
    Rock on knitting socks! 🙂
    (Though I dont see the reason for “Pedicure Socks” (In the new Knitty).
    The while Issue is hideous :-/ I like the prehistoric creatures though… And maybe the cotton colourwork sweater.

  3. Lene

    Em… Yer crazy.

    But in a good way!

    I dont have the camera right now (It is with my parents), but.. GOOD LORD! Just as I thought I had seen it all, I opened the envelope…

    I love every bit of the package, right from the cheery easter-y wrapping, the yellow tissue paper, the to the cinnamon flavoured tea and the Godiva-chocolates! Oh… I even love the yarn! I couldnt believe my eyes when I opened it. Yer so kind, thank you so very very much.


  4. Carole

    Good for you re:MSW. You’ll have a ball! And I had the same question just yesterday when I was telling my SILs about my upcoming trip to Estes Wool Market. Have you met these people, they said? Nope! I said. It’s all good!

  5. katie

    The socks are looking great! I’m envious of your upcoming trip. Is it going to be at the same time as MS&W? My mom & dad live about 20 minutes from the place where they hold MS&W. I was going to go up and go with my mom, until she regained her memory and informed me that they are going to be coming home from a trip to Barbados that Saturday. Boo. I will have to live the experience through everyone’s accounts, I guess, and look forward to next year!

  6. katie

    Oh, of course you’re going for MS&W. I should have hovered over the link. I think I’m still a bit under the weather.

  7. Eve

    Wow, yay! That picture above looks beautiful. I’m going to have to buy myself some nice springy variegated cotton and knit myself this pattern.

  8. Becky

    Oh I hope you have a Fab time at the festival! Good for you! Are you going to drag M along for the whole thing or leave him at the hotel? GRIN

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