Finished Squall Sock

Finished Flower Basket Shawl
Finished Squall Sock
Finished Flower Basket Shawl
Two down, three pairs of socks, two hand towels and corrected sleeves on Elspeth to go.
And my sock blockers from Leggy Creations are here!
Nifty, huh?
I won’t be covering these with socks. They are going up on the wall!
Angus is not doing well. We are trying a few more things. Betty has been very supportive.
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
I’m so sorry Angus isn’t doing well….is it still food issues? It is frustrating when you know they don’t feel good and they can’t tell you what is going on!! Sweet Kitty to be keeping him company!!!
Will root for August. Yeah! on the FBS!
The Squall looks great – I love those colours. Poor Angus ….
Poor Angus.
I like the Squall sock and that’s a nice color for the flower basket shawl.
Tell your Angus that my Angus sends him many many pets. And your knitting is beautiful, as always.
Oh no – what did I miss? What’s wrong with Angus?
I hope Angus gets better soon!
You have been busy with your knitting. Everything looks great! I love Becky’s sock blockers!
I’ll be sending out good wishes that Angus feels better soon. It’s just rotten to have our pals be ill.
Aaaw, I’m sorry your furry friend isn’t up to snuff. 🙁 Isn’t it sweet how they’re supportive of one another? I love that.
Way cool sock blockers!
Congrats on getting flower basket done! Is she hoping for a little blocking? I love that color. Love that cute little cat face intently looking into the lens of your sock portrait! Very snazzy photography 🙂
I’m sorry to hear that Angus isn’t better – it sounded like things were looking up there for a bit. What heartache our beloved friends can bring us along with such joy…………
Your fingers/hands must HURT from all of the knitting you’ve finished! I’m in awe that you can get all of that done so quickly and so professionally! (If I knitted that fast, my FO’s would be full of holes and dropped stitches!)
Come on Angus, let’s turn this around! You have knitbloggers rooting for you! Don’t you know the healing power of knitbloggers???
I love those sock blockers. They are fantastic. I can’t believe they cost the same as the lame-o plastic ones at my LYS. If I ever need sock blockers, Leggy Creations is where I’m going.
Poor Angus!!
Love your Hurricane Sock…gorgeous!
Oh, my little Angus. Tell him that I heart him ever so and miss his sweet face. And be sure to scratch that part of him right above his tail.
I’m so so sorry Angus isn’t doing well. I LOVE Angus. Please give him a hug from me.
We’re in Bay Minette also, we lost our sheltie Casie last year to renal failure… We gave daily fluids sub-q, etc. Angus looks sooo much like Casey, I am so sorry he is not doing well. Has Angus lost weight recently? That was sorta a sign for us that things were not going well at all 🙁 I’m sorry Angus, you are a brave and handsome old fellow.
This is Casie, to me he looks a lot like Angus.