I am the luckiest girl in the world.

When Susan said that she thought some chocolate would help me to feel better about all my recent Sad, I expected a chocolate bar or two. I certainly did not expect enormous Box of Thoughtfulness that arrived yesterday! I would list for you everything in it but it would take a while so I’ll just hit the highlights.
CHOCOLATE. I started with the Raspberry, it matched my socks.

One sock is finished! WOOT!
And moved on to cherry almond (M had most of that one) and mint. We have barely scratched the surface. All the ginger candy is gone too – but there will still be stitchmarkers and music long after the treats are gone. The cats were even included – they swiped the catnip off of the table and took it down the hall to play with it. This is the best shot I got of that scene. Pardon the blur, there are five cats in that picture.
But, and I say this in all seriousness, the best thing was the muffin recipe. I even had everything in the house to make them (I took it as a sign and had them in the oven even before I wrote Susan to say the box was here). They are complex, unusual and pretty to look at.

I have had them for supper and breakfast. And I will have them for supper again! Except, they probably don’t go well with lasagna.
Susan might share the recipe if you asked very very nicely. What are you waiting for? Go ask!
PS Susan, I am pretty sure Thisbe and Betty are cousins.
PPS We have had a thunderstorm every day for the past two weeks.
PPPS Ernesto got his name.