We had a terrible thunderstrom yesterday. I was doing domestic type things when I heard a BANG and Michael hollared really loud. I figured the cats had done something. So I went in and saw him in the process of laying down on the floor holding his hands and making a terrible face. The laptop was on the hearth. I quickly assessed the situation (like they teach you to do in First Aid).
I said: I can’t BELIEVE you had that plugged into the wall!
I said: Are you breathing? (he was)
I said: I CANNOT BELIEVE you had that plugged into the wall!
He said: Stop laughing at me. I am electrocuted.
I said: I’m not laughing.
He said: You sure didn’t run very fast.
I am at the heel of the second pink sock. I took it with me in the car to the DAR district conference in Montgomery. I did not knit during the actual meeting (even though it was Very Very Boring) but I did get the sock out for a picture after lunch.

Lunch was NOT good. The Pie was OK. We stopped at the Russell Stover Outlet on the way home.
Great Gran worked on a baby blanket.

She is also working on a really pretty cardigan from one of the Jaeger books I ordered. But I can’t remember to get a picture.
The above photos are courtesy of Mr. Pink.
The below photo is courtesy of the regular digital camera.

This is how William Henry prefers to read email.
Sure it looks cute, but his claws HURT. It makes me not want to check my email very often. Which might explain why I am so slow about it sometimes. Rotten cat.
I almost fogot! KT (not that one the other one) is hosting a Frog-a-Long! If you have a project that you can’t stand to finish or a finished one that you just can’t stand (and really, who doesn’t), don’t waste the yarn! Rip it right out on September 8, 9, and 10. You’ll feel so much better. I’ve already got my project picked out!
I notice that Russell Stover outlet sign every time I drive down toward LA. Maybe one day I will make it… Cute kitty picture.
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
OMG…I’m so glad M is o.k. but I have to admit I was laughing while reading….I could just PICTURE the scene!! (And isn’t that just typical male/female assessment if a situation)? LOL!!
As for WH….I would suggest you dig out some shoulder pads…..wait…you are too young to have endured the “shoulder pad” era of the 80’s! Maybe you could drape a towel around your shouldes sp WH won’t do bodily hard while checking “his” emails!! LOL!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
A CANDY outlet???? Oh My!!! Could life be any better for a chocoholic than a chocolate “outlet”? LOL!!!
Wow, I’m glad he’s ok and didn’t get seriously hurt! Scary!
Maybe William Henry want to answer the emails himself…
I’ve had two baby blankets I’ve been needing to frog since last November….finally I have inspiration. I live with two nosy cats…one of whom thinks the keyboard is the best place to sit.
Sweet WH- Fido does the same thing. Nosey Kitties. Love the GIANT Mac…. what happend to Cyril?
love the sock and great gran’s blanket. OUCH on the cat our cat is the same with his claws… gotta teach him not to do that!
Em! I can’t believe you laughed at him! (smirk) Okay okay, I was laughing too! I couldn’t help it. The hubby is saying “What’s so funny?” I’m glad Mr. Ivey lived however. How is the laptop?? (grin)
Is that the pink yarn that I sent you that you are making those socks with? Looking good.
If your kitty wants to perch on top of you to read emails then take him and have him declawed. It’ll save your clothes and your shoulders!
Come read my most recent post! I want you to be one of the “Groovy Knitters”.
Ooohhhhh a Frog-a-Long! Does that mean I can finally re-skein BOTH that horrific afghan that I started about, oh, 9 years ago **and** the IK knitted sweat pants that I started – what – 3 or 4 years ago???
Wow…….that would be a lot of yarn suddenly added to my stash!
Can you clip/trim WH’s nails? I’d probably be shredded into confetti if I tried that on either of my two cats, but hey – you never know, our orphan/foster cat that I thought would have killed me just for trying sat there meekly as I carefully clipped his………
OMG!! Mr. G. Weezlebur gets electrocuted and this all the press he gets?? Is he really okay??? His hands? Does that mean something happened to the laptop? OMG!!
Um. Does Mr. W.H. know that a lot of cats in this world get declawed for less? Hm?
Do you clip your cats’ claws? I mean, I know that could be an all-day project for you, but it your cats are going to be using you as a place for a regular stroll, it might be worth it.
I don’t know that I’ve ever heard of anyone actually being shocked through a computer during a thunderstorm, but I’ll definitely be more careful in the future!
gosh Em- I hope he’s okay ! (although I can totally picture reacting the exact same way once I knew my hubby was fine.) silly guys…
I laughed so hard at William Henry’s photo. One of my daughter’s cats does the exact same thing. She wears a sweatshirt whenever she’s on the computer (a nice big thick one!)
Glad to hear that Mr. Gweezlebur is not fried.
Fie on you, Ernesto!
And clipping kitty claws is not too difficult–I used to use a people-nail clipper. The only thing is that WH will still perch, and then you will have many BLUNT claws digging into you, which may feel worse. There is, after all, logic in needles being needle-sharp….
I’m glad Michael is okay. That is a bad storm.
LOL at William Henry. Our katie does the same thing.
Glad Michael is ok. Hows the laptop?? Cute cat picture. Mine is far too fat and lazy to do anything like that
How scary — glad that he’s okay. I also go to meeting that I wish I could knit through, but just can’t. Sadly.
Poor M — hopefully he is better and the computer still works. You know I have an aunt that always tried to drag me to DAR meetings, etc. and I’ve never been. But now that I knit…the meetings might be a lovely excuse for time away from the kids.
I’m glad M is ok!
The pink sock is so cute! I love that colorway, is it LL?
That picture is too cute and I love the pink socks!!
How cool is that!!! We both belong to the DAR. For me it’s the maternal side. In my family the women carry the surname Hilt as a middle name and the males Patterson. Patterson being the last name of the Colonel who served with a few famous peeps during that time. It helps keep the family tree sort of straight:D
When you have time maybe you could share your family lineage…
Maybe we are related in some twisted way….
What did he have plugged in?? The laptop? Yikes! Is it oka?? (since you’ve already assessed that he is.
My kitty used to be a shoulderkitty … she would climb all the way from the floor up my clothes to settle on my shoulder and stay there. When she was little. She still tries it now .. though she’s -far- too big to be doing such a silly thing.
OH MY GOSH!!! I’m so glad M is ok – but honestly – was laughing my butt off at his comment about you not running very fast!! LOL!!! The other pics are fantastic – kitty on the shoulder is priceless