Amen, Mr. Whittle. Amen.
Daily Archives: November 7, 2006
Toasty Toes Together at Last
As promised, I recieved my “pre-gift” of Toasty Goodness from my Toasty Pal, Lynne. It was followed a couple days later by the Toasty Toes Socks of Legend!

A treasure trove of fun feet stuff!
The pre-gift turned out to be GREAT as a forerunner to the socks – it is all stuff for a pedicure to make my feet worthy of my Toasty Toes (and FiberTrends “Peak Experience” sock pattern – they’ve got a zigzag pattern to them that looks like All Kinds of Fun to knit). The socks themselves are fantastic, a beautiful blue (Lorna’s Laces “Tide”) and a intricate scalloped pattern called “Angel’s Rest.” Lynne just pointed out to me that “Angel’s Rest” is actually part of the “Peak Experience Socks” pattern she sent me – “Mt. Hood” is the one that makes the zigzags. This is why you should read your patterns all the way through before you start a project.

They are really beautiful, and although these socks caused Lynne some stress, I am very glad that she made them! It also tickles me to death that the day they were finished was apparently the happiest day of her life. Thank you so much, Lynne. My socks and your thoughtfulness really mean a lot to me.
I can’t believe that I almost forgot to mention that the socks fit perfectly! I should have put this first: worry that the socks you made will fit a complete stranger is the Secret Anguish of sock swappers everywhere.