Happy Belated Thanksgiving (to those of you in the US)!
I mentioned in my sidebar that my trusty camera is suffering from some sort of Occular Trouble. To illustrate how dire the situation is, I present the following images:

On the left, Michael’s new sweater vest as seen by the ailing camera. On the right, Michael’s new sweater vest as seen by the camera in my phone. Neither one is an accurate representation of the color of the yarn (Elegance in Burnt Orange), but the one on the right is much closer. I am using a pattern from Harrisville Designs (the potholder people) called “Cashmere Cabled Vest.” Not a creative title, but it seems to be a nice pattern. I can’t say for sure yet because after two and a half days of work, that is as far as I’ve gotten. I started making the size M would wear, and it came out in the size I would wear. Luckily, I noticed this pretty quickly and (after checking my gauge obsessively), pulled out what I had and went up both a pattern and needle size. This seems to have worked. KnitPicks was very nice about finding a couple more balls of yarn in the right dyelot (bless you, KnitPicks). Perhaps the Harrisville folks neglected to take into account that cables really pull a thing together. Or maybe it’s just MY cables that really pull a thing together. I am perfectly willing to admit to User Error. I usually make a swatch in the pattern stitch before starting. Why didn’t I do that this time? Laziness probably. The sweater vest also suffered another small set-back when I noticed a cable mistake. I attempted to pick out multiple rows of just that cable for repair. That did not go well.

Continuing in my Warm Colors Series, the above is a Socks That Rock sportweight sock in Fred Flintstone. Again, neither picture accurately represents the color, but the one on the right is closer (orange is closer to red than to purple). The pattern is one we all know and love (and I adapted to my gauge). Incidentally, if you are looking for an interesting sock that doesn’t mess up the great patterning of your variegated yarn, the Brainy Lady’s Basic Cabled Socks is a wonderful choice.
Let the record show that I need a new camera.
The CounterPain Square Count is at 19/140. Too late I have realized that I should have numbered each square as if it was part of an edition of fine art prints. I keep telling myself that I should start seaming squares so that there is less work at the end. I also keep telling myself that I should be darning socks. Apparently, myself doesn’t like to be told what to do.
PS I have just corrected all of the times I mispelled “cabel” in this entry. Which was every time I typed it.
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I agree with you completely that you do indeed need a new camera and will write a letter to Santa forthwith!!
Hmmm….19 of 140 for the counterpain??? I’m thinkinking they would look REALLY nice framed, black background to make your lovely stitches stand out and hanging over your mantel!! LOL!! Whew…what a commitment!!
Thanks so much for sharing the sock pattern! I am thinking I am A.L.M.O.S.T. ready to branch out from my basic sock pattern and I love the look of the cables!!!
I love the side by side comparison shots! And thanks for the cable sock link. I may be one of the only bloggers that hasn’t seen that one before.
You should so number the squares! And then mix them up when you sew them together!!
It can be so frustrating when the camera doesn’t work properly. It’s probably the camera settings and you need to bring it back to the service centre to get it fixed. the socks look so good, in either colour 🙂
Me! Me! I’ve knit that sock before! 🙂
Too funny about the camera. I might like a world where everything looks pink and purple. I was thinking “she’s making her husband a pink vest?” hehe
Get a new camera for goodness sake. Need me to find you one on eBay? 🙂
I definately concur that you need a new camera girl. Seems like there’s a slew of us that need new ones. Gaile’s is totally dead, yours is definately afflicted, and the battery door on mine no longer closes. Don’t we wish that a digital camera would last as long as the old slr film cameras? I know I do.
LOL! Your camera is definitely in a pink mood. It looks like a new camera would make a fine Christmas present. Thanks for the sock pattern link. Apparently I’m the other blogger who hasn’t seen this pattern yet. 🙂 Nice looking socks and cutaway!
I haven’t been listening to myself lately either on finishing up things that I am almost out of time on.
So did you spend the weekend looking into what kind of camera you want?
Ok, from my ophthalmic tech’s point of view, I would diagnose that your camera is male. Red-green color blindness is predminantly a male problem.
Sadly, it has to do with all those complicated “rods and cones” thingies, which are waaaay back and waaay down in the retina at a somewhat microscopic level, and as such, is not treatable.
Give the poor guy a proper Viking funeral, complete with flaming pyre pushed into the sea/local lake/standing mudpuddle/kitchen sink, and bring on the new blood!
Don’t forget to reward yourself when you finish a cone of yarn for the counterpane. I love the photos from the camera, good luck finding a new one.
what a funny thing that is going on with your camera – so bizarre. Me thinks perhaps William Henry has been batting it about 🙂
nice socks tho’ – even if the color is off in the photo
A new camera is definitely needed. Christmas present????
I think that Santa needs to bring you a new camera.
I also think you need to reward yourself every time you make a milestone with the squares, like every 25 buy some sock yarn.
Gracie had a great idea! Rewards! I need a new camera, too. I’ve been researching and find that my eyes are bigger than my budget.
Are you sure you aren’t really just knitting M a pink vest? Hee.