Bon Temps Rouler!

short stack

It’s National Pancake Day!

Get a free short stack at any iHop until 10pm tonight! All they ask is that you consider donating to the Children’s Miracle Network (kiosks in-store).

When I went to get the pancake picture out of Mr. Pink, I discovered a whole mess of pictures that I had forgotten about. For example, I never showed you this:

my new bag!

That’s the start of the second GBS – just to give you a time frame.

Katie made it for me! I got her to do one for my Mom too – it’s in red but the insides match. Isn’t the flower the cutest thing? Take a peek at her Etsy shop – she makes all kinds of bags and needle cases and fun things like that. It is the perfect size for a sock bag (holds a STR yarncake) and yet, looks cute like a purse. Makes me a happy girl.

This one is from this weekend:


Inside Needle Nook.

We were on the way to pick up Michael’s little sister (who turned 18 on the 15th – we were there for her birthday party) and I looked over and saw the Needle Nook sign. Michael is very tolerant of this kind of thing and let me out of the car. It was one of the best yarn shop experiences I’ve had in ages, the clerk recognized the sweater I had on from an Interweave (M was deeply impressed by this) and nobody tried to sell me novelty yarn. I’m not going to show you what I bought because some of it was for my Special Swap Pal (don’t y’all panic, it’s not a secret swap) and I want to preserve the mystery.

I also ran in Nease’s Needlework (I’ve been there before) to pick up One More Thing so there was a nice amount of yarn in my weekend.

The front of the blue vest is just about finished – I’ll have a picture for you next time. My next order of business is to pick a Bloomin’ Feet yarn and pattern. I think I’ve figured out the yarn and color, so it’s really just the pattern that needs thinking about.

I completely forgot – Typepad blogs have been giving me some serious trouble lately and not letting my comments go through like they should. For those of you that this has affected: “That is such a beautiful sock/sweater/scarf that you made! Was it hard to do? What a luscious yarn.” heh

14 thoughts on “Bon Temps Rouler!

  1. Sue

    Wouldn’t you know it — it’s now 9:58 p.m., which means I would have less than two minutes to get to the IHOP. Nertz! I do love me a good pancake, too …

    It sounds like you had a great weekend away. I wonder what you got at the yarn store …hmmm. This is my first swap experience, so I’m looking forward to it!

  2. Ruth

    That bag is seriously cool! I’ve also had trouble with typepad blogs and comments lately too, I thought it was just the African connection…

  3. Gracie

    And you weren’t at the parades downtown all day. 😉 That bag is adorable! I haven’t been to Nease’s yet, I need to go there next time I’m home.

  4. Rachel

    Super cute bag! I have recently been spending way too much time poring over Etsy shops in search of a new knitting bag. There are some really creative and talented people out there!

    A weekend with new yarn in it is a good weekend indeed, I must agree. (In fact, I may be off to the LYS at this moment to spend a birthday gift certificate.)

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