Sue, my Special Swap partner for February, and I decided to mail our boxes on the same day and race to see which one got there first. We both mailed them Thursday and I unthinkingly sent mine Priority (it did not occur to me that this might be cheating) and she sent hers First Class. In a bizarre Twist Of Fate, they both arrived on Saturday. Which does make me wonder what exactly I am paying for when I ship Priority. I choose to think of it as a Yarn Miracle. Look at all this great stuff!

Some candy not pictured due to impatience.
The theme was Hearts and Roses and Sue sent some really fun things: the sweetest heart plate and stationary, a bunch of candy (can’t have a swap without chocolate – it’s the law), a darling red felted bowl (which isn’t showing up too well in the picture – it’s hidden by candy) AND Instant Gratification Sock Yarn in Chocolate Covered Kisses. I LOVE this colorway and I was just saying the other day that I needed another pair of socks with pink in them! Thank you so much, Sue! Incidentally, you may not be able to reach Sue of comment, they were expecting a foot of snow last night! Which makes me feel kind of bad because today is beautiful and I have the windows open.
My blue sweater vest is joined at the shoulders:

Now for the neck and arm bands.
And William Henry is as charming as ever in spite of his criminal tendencies (there is another sweet/disturbing picture of the cats in the sideblog).

What kind of pie?
Oh, remember when The Col. needed a new logic board? When they replaced that the antenna was damaged and the CD drive was misaligned (the CDs no longer exit the drive but rather slam into the side and then reload themselves). We are taking it back on Monday so I might be out of the loop for a bit.
Love the links in your sideblog! The teacup stains – cool! The color link led to another link that had great animated movies illustrating the power of color.
And your cats. 😉 Which one has his tongue hanging out? Too funny. His expression reminds me of our Eli.
Looks like an awesome swap pal package!
What a beautiful package from Sue! I’m so happy for you Emily! It will be great fun next round as well…I promise! And, I want you to know that I have been thinking of pancakes ever since your last post. Finally, today, I had to make them! I NEVER eat pancakes! But, oh, they were so delicious!
what a lovely box of goodies!
and WH…could he be any more adorable?
I love the picture of William Henry. 🙂
I’m so glad you enjoyed the package of goodies, Emily. You were incredibly fun to buy things for and I enjoyed this swap immensely. Thank you, also, for the fun things you sent to me! I am overjoyed at your thoughtfulness.
Oooh such pretty gifts – and thanks for the info about Hill Country sock yarn, there’s always room for more sock yarn 🙂 The blue vest looks so soft, hope you’re finishing it soon!
What a nice looking package of goodies! I always get a kick out of William Henry.
I just ordered two skeins of the same sock yarn. Chocolate covered kisses and happy colorways. I can’t wait to get it. A very fun package. I am glad to be part of the this swap also.
What a fun package to get! Isn’t get fun stuff in the mail great?
Those cats are hysterical! That pic is adorable with all of them in begging mode! And any pic featuring William Henry is great, naturally!
The package you got looks great and William Henry is very cute. My cat is far too lazy to jump on anything that high, he thinks he’s mountain climbing if he’s on the arm of the sofa.
I’m really chuckling about Ruth’s mountain climber cat. hehehe
Okay – with my etsy business I realized that sending Priority Mail IS a big waste of money a lot of the time. I do still like to use delivery confirmation most of the time though.
LOVE that yarn colorway in your swapping package…. and how do we hook up with this swap?? I’ve looked and can’t seem to find a link that looks like the right place.
That’s a wonderful package! I love that colorway of sock yarn!
I’m jealous you have your windows open already!
That yarn is yummy! What a great swap package. Hope your CD drive problem is fixed quickly.
Sorry about the Col. Hope he feels better soon! And, love the Special Swap stuff you got!
Hurry back, we’ll miss you! Your vest looks great! I’m off to look at the kitties……
You know, I can’t make heads or tails of the postal service. Sometimes slow bulk rate costs more then plain first class, or the first class shipping time estimates are shorter than the priority mail estimates…it just doesn’t make any sense. As far as I can tell, everything gets there in about 3 days unless you pay a lot extra.
What a pretty pink package from your swap partner!
I will not let your wonderful sock yarn picture enable me… I will not let your wonderful sock yarn picture enable me… how many times do I have to repeat to keep me away from ordering on that website???
Love your new sweater vest – it is such a springy color.
Oh, William Henry – What kind of pie? A Cutie Pie!
I had to come back and look at the cats/pop tart picture a second time. So classic. Only one cat trying to act coy (Lady Bird?).
I like that pink and brown yarn a lot! Maybe this pink thing is growing on me…
And that picture of William Henry, what a daredevil, and he looks so calm…
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
What a great gift to receive!! All the wonderful pink goodies!! And don’t you just love it when chocolate covered kisses is fat AND sugar free?? The sweater is so pretty!! Love the pastel color….make me ready for SPRING!!
Indeed, William Henry is charming…so good of him to keep guard of the fridge…and keep an eye out for errant poptarts!!! LOL!!
I’m thinking Pecan Pie (think “When Harry met Sally”…”I would be proud to partake of your pecan piiiiiieeeee…) as he has a bit of tasty brown on his face in the whiskery region.
However, that darling little nose makes me waver…Rhubarb, mayhap?