I have discovered a new yarn store. Or rather, Darleen pointed it out to me. RubySapphire Yarns is a mother-daughter dyeing team – they really have a knack for color combinations.

I could look at them all day.
They carry several different types and weights of yarn all hand painted or hand dyed. The two above are Luster (50% Merino/50% Tencel) and Sapphire Sock (75% Merino/25% Nylon). Both are machine-washable (Yay!) and the colors are simply lovely. The Luster (in case you’re wondering about the Tencel) has a sheen and is cool to the touch – I’m hoping it will be a great yarn for spring (nearly summer) socks. The best part is that RubySapphire is putting together a sock of the month club! A girl can never have too much sock yarn…
One of my cousin’s graduation socks is finished!

mmmm neapolitan ice cream
One more and I can finally start something new.
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
The graduation socks are lovely….as is the yarn!! I haven’t tried the tencel yarn…I’ll have to put that on my list! Hmmm…just who might be creating patterns for this sock club??????? LOL!!
Darlene sent me a skein of their yarn in my package and it is gorgeous! I love love love finding out about all these super talented indie dyers!
did you see my Darlene colorway merino/tencelyarn from Ruby Sapphire. I blame Lime and Violet for it!
The grad socks are real pretty. I’ve got some wool tencel sock yarn in my stash and I love that sheen too.
don’t you just LOVE finding new yarn 🙂 It makes my day every single time.
LOVE the neopolitan ice cream sock. it’s yummy.
do your puppies all have homes now?
Love the graduation sock! Very pretty, and the yarn still in the skeins looks good enough to eat – or at the very least carry around the house and fondle…
Had a good time with Catan last night! I’m very pleased that we have something we can play to gether. Yea us! The sock is So Very Maggie, she will love it. I’ll be coming in Tuesday afternoon and leaving around 5am to get back here on Weds. Can’t wait to see you and all the wee puppies in Person!
The socks look great! Don’t you just love Ruby Sapphire yarns!!
Oh my gosh those socks look beautiful!! Love those colors – thanks for sharing.
Some great yarn there!!!
Oh. My. Word. You know how sometimes yarn is just so pretty and beautiful that it just pops? Those skeins are beautiful! I will look forward to seeing them all knitted up. P.s.: I love the plate that is highlighting the neopolitan socks. 😉
Mmm…that sock does look like neopolitan ice-cream, good enough to eat! It’s lovely. 🙂
Love the Neopolitan! And the first sock yarn pictured is machine washable??? Boy those colors are really vibrant for machine washable. Unfortunately I’m afraid a girl can have too much sock yarn, at least this one can… and does I’m afraid…
The yarn and sock are beautiful. I have never really liked Neopolitan until I saw your sock! Were you feeling the MS&W feeling this past weekend? I was and happy that we had done it together, so if I never go back, I know I did it in high style. Even if I did get us lost and take us the wrong way around the Beltway. Look! It is the Washington Monument! Look! There is Jefferson! Look there is the Tidal Basin! Look your friend KT is a dork!
Must get myself to Alabama!
That Ruby Sapphire looks ever so yummy…I believe that I have them saved. The neapolitan socks look almost good enough to eat. And so you got Alison’s Koigu socks!
Nice yarn! I’m going to have to check them out.