We put the baby gate back up so Maude can’t get into the cats’ room. This is William Henry’s big chance to practice for the Olympics. This is my first try at a slide show – click the image to advance through the pictures!
Daily Archives: May 25, 2007
I has a sunshine.
hey little girl
Remember when I showed you the yarn from RubySapphire? Well there was something I didn’t mention. Not because I’m keeping anything from you, Dear Readers, but becuase I wasn’t sure if it was a secret or not. Turns out, it’s not a secret. I am writing patterns for their sock club!
It’s not blocked, but you get the idea.
The club is going to be sort of a sample pack of all their fiber options and I am writing patterns for the tencel/superwash blend (Luster) and the superwash/nylon (Sapphire Sock). I am planning a more manly sock for the Sapphire. With an interesting heel.
This would have been just another post about socks, but I got the loveliest treats in the mail the other day! The first is from Darlene. This next part is a secret: I think Darlene is the Yarn Fairy. Seriously.
Jo Sharp alpaca silk (my first Jo Sharp yarn if you can believe that) and Cascading Leaves sock pattern!
This is a sock kit from TheKnitter, and the alpaca is just as lovely and soft as it looks.
There was also some Unexpected Joy from a new friend of mine, Wen of Slow Knitter.
Ohohohohoh! That’s Panda Cotton!
How cute it that take-out bag? And just loaded with fun stuff: sock monkey flip book (if you watch closely, you can see him wink at you), candy necklace (my jewelry of choice), pirate bandaids (yar) and rock ’em sock ’em robots on rings (so they are portable) among other stuff! I giggled the entire time I was unpacking. I also giggled the entire time I was taking the above picture because it was a struggle to take one that didn’t look like this:
That is Lucy. Well. Part of her.
Many many Thank Yous to Darlene and Wen – this is Proof Positive that it’s OK to give your address to strangers you meet on the internet! Or maybe it’s just knitters you meet on the internet…
PS I moved my side bar back over to the right. I just couldn’t get used to it.
PPS I finished the back of the polo shirt, but I’m not going to show a picture because it isn’t pink. I like it when things match (everything else is pink). I’ll show you next time.