Side Effects May Include

I didn’t knit much this weekend – but I do have a clean garage! I consider that a fair trade for an unfinished polo.


The back and part of the front.

I think I have figured out the pattern for the second of the RubySapphire Sock Club Socks. There isn’t much to show yet (I keep changing my mind and adjusting), but I started a general purpose sock with one of the Side Effect Patterns from that effort.


As a side effect sock, it should have a name like headache or nausea.

The yarn is the Instant Gratification in Chocolate Covered Kisses from Sue, my Special Swap Pal for February. You can see the stitch pattern better (there is a stitch pattern – I swear) when it the sock is stretched – it will look great in a solid yarn but I also like it in the Chocolate Covered Kisses. I’ll type the pattern up for general consumption after I get the heel turned and figure out what happens on the instep. I’ve actually got notes for a couple of Side Effect Patterns…


Maude in the sun.

She may have a new home – keep your fingers crossed!

18 thoughts on “Side Effects May Include

  1. kathy b

    Good for all of you….go pup go.

    Or rather Go DOG go. That needs to be in your library!

    Great sock and I love cherry Garcia …….so I love the choco/cherry sock combo.

    I got a postcard in the mail today!!! Thank you thank you I love real mail too! I love your postcards! When are our swaps due? June 20 is in my mind… that right?

  2. KT

    I wish Maude could come and live with me. (DO NOT SEND HER HERE OR I WILL SEND YOU KITTENS) Your Polo looks *great* and the sock remind me of chocolate covered strawberries. The boys heard on the news that it was “the official start of hurricane season” and they were VERY worried about MR & Mrs Ivey and all the pets. I made them know that you were fine.

  3. erin

    That pile of lovely green knitting is so pretty and so is that yummy looking sock, kind of like neapolitan ice cream.

  4. Esther

    Well the polo is looking fabulous! I agree – a clean garage is a great trade off my friend.

    I also have that yummy sock yarn!! Haven’t used it yet but LOVE the colors – your socks will be gorgeous 🙂

    Fingers crossed for Maude!

  5. Anita

    I just have to tell you that I am loving your sideblog feed. I’m so glad you were able to work it out! I love the knitted snake and mouse. You find the best stuff. 🙂

  6. Ruth

    In South Africa they say holding thumbs for luck, so I’m crossing my fingers and holding my thumbs for Maude!

  7. Rachel

    I love the color of the polo, and I’m interested to see the patterning of your Side Effects socks.

    I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and Maude!

  8. Sue

    Yay! I love the Chocolate Covered Kisses, Emily ~ and I’m glad you like it, too. I will anxiously await your pattern. 🙂

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