I like to be prepared.
I figure there is a pretty good chance that we will have either a boy or a girl, and that someone is bound to have the opposite of that at some point in the future. So why not make hats in both colors? These are based on the basic hat pattern in The Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns (one of the most useful books I own) in Rowan Wool Cotton. The flowers on the girly hat were a blast to knit – the pattern can be found at the beginning of Knitting Stitches
Another of my projects last week was the elephant pacifier clip from Itty-Bitty Nursery.

It helps if you have a Great Gran to explain how to make the crochet ears.
This little guy was ridiculously fun and quick to make in spite of his many parts. Susan B. Anderson (the designer) has the pattern for the flower clip available for free on her website. I made the flower in green, white and yellow, but I need another clip to actually finish it. Target carries a $.99 store brand line of clips in lots of colors, so I think I will pick up extras for quick baby presents.
I am off to spend the afternoon with Great Gran! Our action-packed plans include knitting and watching HGTV.
We are such party animals.
My little boy was brought to me after he was washed with a little handmade hat exactly like the blue and white striped one. It was amazingly sweet and wonderful.
I LOVE the elephant… great hats too! I’m pretty much doing the same as we have 2 babies on the way in the family and I figure if I get a boy and girl hat done, chances are at least 1 will be a fit … and there’s always more babies on the way, right? 🙂
Soooo sweet. Your pictures of hats and pacifier elephants are more effective arguments in favor of having children that two years worth of my mother’s nagging.
That is an adorable pacifier clip! So cute!
i love the elephant clip! too cute. and i’m glad i’m not the only one who’d rather be surprised after the hard work of birthing. i’ve always said that boy, girl, green, or with purple polka dots, it’s coming home with us. hope you and gran had fun 🙂
Party on with Great Gran! Sounds like fun to me.
love those ittsy bitsy hats…… so darling……… and that elephant. oh. my. he’s fabulous.
has anyone begun a baby pool where we can vote on which we think it might be and the estimated eta??? sounds like a hubby job to me (grin)
The elephant clip is just so cute! I love the hats too. Hope you had fun with Great Gran.
These knits are so fantastic. The clip just slays me. Got to hang out with kt both Saturday & Sunday. She is so beyond and FABU. Of course we talked about our great affection for YOU! We both send our love and we also send our excitement about Mini-Miracle.
The binky clip was a LIFESAVER in my house! The hats are too adorable for words! I hope you and mini-miracle are doing well!
I don’t use a pacifier, but if I did I’d want that clip, very cool!! and pretty little hats.
Such CUTE little knits!!!! I love the pacifier clip!! Oh…I can’t WAIT to see if you get to use the blue or the pink cap!!!!! HGTV you say??? Woo Hoo…..I’m a party animal too!!! LOL!!!!!
Your young one is going to be the best knit dressed child yet. Such pretties & cuties….
How precious! Can’t wait to see baby in these!
OHHH how exciting this is!!!! Me I am waiting to see if I knit pink or blue. How much longer do we have to wait? thinking of you
Oh, I saw that book that the clip is in and it’s just the cutest thing ever. Love the baby elephant clip, so adorable.
That clip is the cutest thing ever! The little hats are really cute too. Hope you had a nice visit with Great Gran.
Oh my, those hats are lovely- especially the pink one! When I had James, all the nurses thought it was so original for him to be wearing a hand knit hat…. odd, but true. It certainly set him apart from all the other babies on the floor who were wearing plain ol’ hospital hats, but I thought it was weird that they seemed SO suprised by him having one.
the elefink is SOOOOOOOO sweet….
As is the KT (OMG what a stash she has–I wanted to stay in that room 4-EVAH). And she is right, yer earsies should have been on fire, and the weegweezilbur, as well. MWAH.