Mother’s Day


Happy Mother’s Day!

And just in case you think I don’t knit anymore:


I love cables. They are my favorites.

Those are armholes! I added two inches to the length since she is a ridiculously long baby.

19 thoughts on “Mother’s Day

  1. KT

    Happy Mother’s Day Emily! Hope your day was great. Great knit, and I do love the phone for scale. The picture of the 2 of you is just beautiful.

  2. KnittingGnome

    What a lovely portrait! Ellie is growing so fast (amazing how they have that ability, isn’t it)! The pink cables are beautiful! Happy Mother’s Day!

  3. Sharly

    Aw, the knitting is pretty, but it can’t compare with the “preciousness” in the first pic!! Hope you had a wonderful first Mother’s day!! Hey, hope you don’t mind, we tagged you! Visit our post titled Dear Old Meme for details. Take care!!

  4. kathy b

    Awwwwww. She looks just like her mom!

    I know you are knitting. Your cables are amazing.
    Now I need to know if you are talking knit terms to her . I certainly hope so. So much of our branis we don’t use. She’s ready. I have a feeling you already have.

    “once upon a time there was a YO, and it wanted to fall off the needles, ” heehee

  5. Bibby

    I think Ellie has your legs! Cute picture & hope you had a wonderful Mom’s Day. Love your baby pink cables.

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