I finished the back of her romper!

She’ll be three months old tomorrow.
It’s kind of sad that this feels like a major accomplishment.
It’s even sadder that I just this moment realized how far behind I am on this year’s CounterPain Squares.
Added later: I am absolutely enjoying every second of time with Ellie (including Unhappy Hour)! I think my current slowness in project completion has more to do with my current project not lending itself well to fits and starts. The CounterPain squares, however, are much easier to just pick up. Now that I have remembered that they exist…
It’s not too sad, Emily, considering what a delightful little distraction and responsibility you have on your hands. They stay babies such a short time, so make the most of it. 🙂
I agree with Renna, Em. You’ve got a production of much more Epic proportions underway, and she’s guaranteed to take more of your time than the CounterPain squares. And to be a whole lot more fun and amazing.
One day, the two of you will snuggle beneath it in it’s completed glory and you can tell her how she caused such a delightful delay in your knitting.
As much as I enjoy watching CounterPain development, it pales in comparison to watching Ellie development!
Look how big she is getting! Listen, those counterpains will be around for a good long while. Ellie, on the other hand, won’t be a baby forever. Enjoy this time.
Has is really been three months since the little angel came to you? Wow!
I think knitting the romper is far more important that the squares. She will look so cute in a dress that her mommy made.
Do not let the urgent take over the important! Enjoy Ellie, she’s a cutie! So much more fun than boring squares 🙂
Happy 3 month birthday!
You’re excused from meeting all deadlines until she’s 6 months. There’s too many hugs and kisses to give!
Sweet cheeks!!
The counter pain squares are lovely, but babies grow. Enjoy her! The squares will wait!
I didn’t get a lot done when I had wee ones. I think you’ve gotten a lot done considering!
Eleanor is starting to look like a child instead of a baby 😀
I can’t believe she is 3 months old already! It seems like you just had her.
The romper is going to be so pretty!
Oh she is growing so quickly. Enjoy enjoy enjoy. My baby is now 43 and it seems yesterday she looked a lot like Ellie. Knitting can wait babies don’t.
Emily, I didn’t read into your post the same thing others did…I think I knew what you meant! The romper looks great so far. And Ellie gets prettier every day. Have a great week! =0)
Three months! Oh the beauty and the glory! What a lovely little girl. Three months is such a wonderful age. Angus still wears his Tide shirt about four days a week.It barely fits him anymore. And every time he wears it, he reminds me that Mr & Mrs Ivey gave it to him. Luckily his love of Chuckey has abated.
Oh, but she is the loveliest distraction. And I do have a very sweet minute sock stuck to my monitor, and that’s thanks to you (and that was a bit of an achievement too!). The wriggly one’s the best one, though. ~x~
Squee! Baby pics!
I was talking to a neighbor this weekend about quilts and he mentioned a Counterpain blanket, and because of your squares, I knew just what he was talking about! Those squares aren’t going anywhere. Take it easy on yourself. :o)
Babies, knitting – you do beautiful work!! 🙂
:::waving::: Hello Down There little EllieBellie Sweet Sugar Bunny! hehe Happy three months! Have people been bossing your mommy around telling her to relax and forget about the knitting? How could they? She has a romper to finish! And it’s the Right Color too! Auntie Laura would love to come snack on your sweet little legs and cheeks and arms and…. and… XOXOXOXOX Your mommy would get a lot of knitting done then. 🙂
thanks for the comment on my blog. I love your baby sooo cute!
ps it’s not just your subway, it’s crazy!
Happy three months! The romper looks wonderful.
oh my – she is gorgeously tall – and such a sweetie. Yes, it goes quickly. I hope you continue to cherish every hour (including the early morning awakenings)
You’re occupied with much More Important Things! Bless your hearts