Dish Rag Tag: the Sequel sign-ups are officially closed at 289. Follow Yarn Miracle to stay current on Tag related events including next year’s race.
The last time I looked, sign-ups were at 150! Does that make Dish Rag Tag half-full or half-empty?
Ellie tried a new food yesterday.
Oh my. Apples are that good?
Oh my goodness, I can’t believe how much she’s grown! The video is precious!
I can tell you guys are really enjoying that baby girl. 😉
She is not amused.
Love your little darlin’! That face is priceless.
Ditto to what Toni said…..”priceless”!!!
Hmm She’s not liking the apples very much! Too cute!
Apples Schmapples!!
hmmm – looks like apples are even less appealing than the bananas 🙂
She’s grown so much, it’s amazing!
Wow she has grown! They grow so darn fast:) So adorable!
What a face!
Hmmm, apples are an aquired taste for E!
She is looking so big! Lovely to see her bib in use too 🙂