All done!
I cheated and made his ears separately. After the Arm Frustration (it is hard to pick up stitches with his head in the way – it is probably easier if the knitter makes a reasonable yarn choice, which I did not), I just couldn’t take it any more.

His tail makes up for my ear slackitude. In my opinion.
In other news, Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Rolls were a giant hit. My Aunt called this morning to tell me how much they were enjoying them. That has never happened before. The recipe warned me about that sort of side-effect.

Limited Edition Ornaments brought to you by Ellie’s outgrown socks.
I’ve got half a CounterPain Square left for the year’s Deadline Knitting (the tree skirt wasn’t finished – our tree is in a flower pot) and that includes the Super Secret Knitting that is so secret I have never even mentioned it. It is so secret that I forgot to take a picture before I taped up the box. I am wrestling (as I am sure everyone does) with the importance of knitting documentation vs. wasting wrapping paper.
Snowman inspiration can be found here! My basic modifications included the all-white color scheme and fabric paint eyes. I also used the cut off tops to make the hats (economical use of baby socks).
Emily: 7 Christmas: 25
(I got a bonus point for figuring out French knots for the eyes (elliephant not snowmen.)
OMG (and i never use OMG); I speak freely for all when I cry, “HOW did you DO that with her wee little SOCKIES???”
THAT is cute overload, for sure. And I want instructions.
happy weekend
Did not mean to spurn the precious pachyderm in my snowman ecstasy. Le elephant is tres, tres jolie. And the tail is T-riffic. So sweet.
I’ve been avoiding those cinnamon rolls. Thanks for the reminder. 😉
I’ll echo KT….love the sockie craftiness and want to know what you did. Mr. Elliephant is adorable, too, of course. La la la re the cinnamon rolls.
Oh I hope Elliphant is for Ellie! it is so sweet and seems to have a character of its own. Super secret status is hysterical. UNWRAP it, we want to see it!
The snowman is absolutely adorable. And the elliephant is so cute!!
The elephant is so cute! I knit a BIG one for Everett for Christmas and putting all the pieces was such a hassle. I might have to do one this size next. . . 🙂
Love ElliePhant… one of these years I’ll have to knit one for my hubby that is soooooo in love with Alabama football that he named his son Paul Bryant 🙂
I love ElliePhant! And the sock snowman is simply adorable. I think you deserve extra points for these two finished crafts.
I love the ElliePhant! Very cute!
Cuteness on top of cuteness. Way to rock a Christmas Emily!
The elelphant is so cute…i love elephants, especially when they’re for sweeties named Ellie. I’ve printed the cinnamon roll recipes and am gathering ingredients! Thanks for sharing, my neighbors will love you.
The elliephant is completely adorable. Is it going to be naked or are you going to make some clothes for it? Just curious. It is exceedingly cute either way. 🙂
The Elephant is so cute! The tail especially so.
I haven’t dared to make those rolls yet. I think I gained weight just from looking at the picture when I first saw them.