Labels get printed tomorrow!
You’ve got a Small Flat Rate Box, now you need supplies:
- Ball of Dish Cloth Cotton – Peaches & Creme, Sugar’n Cream, you know the kind. I had a hard time getting the “super-sized” balls to fit in the box, so you might want to stick with the standard.
- Knitting needles – I used US 5s, Mom used US 7s – it all depends on how tightly you knit. The finished cloth should be around 7 inches square, beyond that, gauge is not that big of a deal.
- Small treat for your teammate – the box is small, your treat to pass onto the next knitter will need to be small too!

One more thing.
Is that another Small Flat Rate box I see? Could there possibly be one more team?
In completely unprecedented circumstances, every single knitter who signed up for Revenge of Dish Rag Tag is present, accounted for and ready to knit. I did not have to call up a single alternate this year.
But I had 12 disappointed alternates.
So I’m making one more team.
Y’all don’t mind a little more friendly competition do you?
bring it on!
That’s great that everyone is accounted for this year and that you are giving the alternates a chance to participate as well! Can hardly wait for my team’s box to make its way to my mailbox!!!
As always, I’m content to be a fan with this competition, but I did want to note that you, as DRT Commissioner, rock.
I’m on the sideline this year, but it’s still my fave game. Now about that wrench you just slung into the ring….That is unheard of, and totally cool! Rock on!
Hooray! The more the merrier!
The More the Merrier!!! WOOHOO!
Had to sit out this year, too much going on right now. Adding the extra team is a cool idea. Will the pattern for the dishrag be available to the public after the tag is over?
Have fun everyone!
Excellent! Very cool that all of the alternates get to play AND everyone who signed up initially remembered and is up for the race.
Heh..one more team and we’d be a dozen dozen! LOl…that’s Gross, ya know! Waiting for that GO!
Woo Hoo, I get to play now!!! Bring it on!
The more the merrier, I say! Besides, I hate to see anyone feeling left out….probably a feeling leftover from never being picked first on softball teams as a child (I seriously stunk). ;-Þ
Cool!! A friend of mine is quite happy to be on that other team. We promise not to be too competitive in person 😉 maybe…
Congrats to the alternates for getting their own team! (P.S. Suzanne, you’re goin’ down! LOL)