13 thoughts on “Happy Halloween

  1. Ruth

    Ohmygosh! What a “grown up” little girl you have, and so cute in her well-chosen costume. Good of James to help out, don’t you think?

  2. Sharly

    Precious! Hope she had a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing – we don’t get any trick or treaters, so I’m always glad to at least see pictures!

  3. Amanda Page

    Eillie is the cutest Goldilocks! (or as my niece Victoria, who has not quite mastered ‘l’s’ – Goydiyocks! (Victoria’s best friend is Yi-yi (aka Lily).)

  4. Joanna

    Thank you for including the Goldilocks photo! Precious! The dress hanging there was great, too, but it is SUPER GREAT with a kid in it! It brought to mind one of my Halloween outfits, when I went as “Mistress Mary” (how does your garden grow…silver bells…cockle shells…pretty maids all in a row). I wore a dress, at the bottom of which Mom attached pictures from the Sears Catalog (pretty maids, some silver bells, and pictures of shells.) This was probably about 62 years ago!

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