Clean Up Crew

they'll be there for you

Itty Bitty Vultures will be in the shop later today. Probably.

I did so want to have a finished prototype to show you this week! But I’m not quite there yet.

But I can tell you that Susanna is our lollipop recipient!

And I can tell you that the Middle Eastern Cast on wins the Crazy Easy toe-up cast on award (thanks for the tip, Beth).

I can also tell you that while I have decided to recommend a toe-up cast on in the pattern, I am going to write the directions for the regular way with a seam. It isn’t critical to the pattern so I don’t want anyone to read the directions, panic, and then not try the toy. My Favorite Trick remains awesome, but not worth the explanation if a seam will do.

In other words: I wussed out.

All that wasn’t for nothing, the M.E.C.O. is going to be invaluable for a future pattern – and I’m not even going to tell people that’s what they are doing until it’s all over. I’m so tricky.

I have SO MANY IDEAS. And not enough time for them.

10 thoughts on “Clean Up Crew

  1. Barbara

    I second your last statement there. I don’t even have time for knitting these days, let alone design anything. But that hasn’t stopped me from buying yarn for a new idea.

  2. Anonymous

    OMG… those vultures ‘take the biscuit’ (as they say in England). I can almost hear them singin’ they are so awesome. giggles !

  3. Kim

    They are really cute carrion toys. But I was wondering if you wanted to really stick with the “Itty Bitty” part of their name, given it’s already established as a line of knitting patterns (Susan B Anderson’s hats, toys, nursery books)?


  4. kathy b

    I love your vultures…..So adorable…. what a hoot! great that your ideas are flowing and flowing…do you write them down in an idea book?

  5. Dawn

    These vultures are so adorable!!!! Please tell me there is going to be a pattern.????

  6. Morganna

    Squee! More from your Itty Bitty range! And since no-one else has done it yet, I’m going to get in first with the Jungle Book quote:

    Vulture 1: So, what we gonna do?
    Vulture 2: What d’ya wanna do?
    Vulture 1: Uh, I dunno, what d’ya wanna do?
    Repeat ad nausem!

    Or see here if you’re not familiar!

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