Sweet Nothings seem to be arriving all over the country! Since my package is on the way to another country, I’ll show you what I got instead of what I sent to save the surprise for Barbara.
My treats from Lisa are all wrapped up!

Including all the chocolate – but not for long!

Soak! Yarn slicey thing (Aren’t those COOL?! I’ve never had one but Granny Nix did and I was envious)! The sheep gauge/needle size guy had especially perfect timing, I couldn’t find any of mine this morning and I can’t tell a 2 from a 3 just by looking! And I was contemplating cookies so I’m gonna take the cookie cutter as a sign. I can’t get a decent close up of the stitch markers (I love stitch markers – my knitting likes to be fancy), but they have itty bitty complicated findings and wee beads (just like I like em). There’s even a cat, but I suspect Ellie will want to wear that one as a charm so I already hid it in one of my tins.
Ellie has a treat from Lisa too, but she’s out picking up the new car so it isn’t opened yet. I keep thinking that the new car might be it’s own post, but there is not that much of a story. We traded in the Jeep for a Prius. I’m not sure where all our stuff will go and what happens when we need to pick up a stray, but it’s deep blue and gets very good gas milage. I’ve still got high hopes that Jeep will figure out how to make a hybrid before it’s time for another new one.
Many many thanks from both of us, Lisa!
It’s time for a little bit of a Sweet Nothing round-up don’t you think? Share in the comments what you sent to who – and if you’ve posted on your blog about your goodies, please include a link!
I sent to Nancy in Texas a tiny notebook, short mechanical pencil, tiny wooden crochet hook for picking up stitches (she’s a sock knitter), coil-less brass safety pins, stitch markers that slip thru the stitches, a pony needle for weaving in ends in worsted weight yarns, packet of smaller needles for weaving in sock yarns, 4 Minnowknits patterns, heart bracelets and heart erasers for her daughter.
And chocolate candy, too.
I’m glad the package got there in time for Mardi Gras & Valentine’s! It’s a celebration week for sure. Cheers!
Cathy B, I’m going looking for Minnowknits…
I opted not to include candy (sorry Barbara) in case customs was feeling zealous about their job and hung on to my little package for a while… 😛
And Lisa! Ellie’s treat is so cool – if the sun comes out today I’ll get a picture to show everyone!
I sent to Kim in GA and after 6 excruciating days the USPS finally delivered my priority package to her yesterday! LOL I sent 2 of my favorite things…a lavender Lavishea bar and bent tip needles. I hope she loves them as much as I do!
Kathy sent me a great little hat pattern, some totally cute little buttons, and the best pink rhinestone covered tape measure EVER!!! Will blog it just as soon as the dust settles here…my youngest is STILL sick.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all and a huge thank you to Emily for taking the time to host this fun swap!
The lovely Nancy sent me a box of amazingness that arrived in my mailbox today.
I got a glitterific Valentine’s Day card that I love, love, love. It’s frame-worthy!!!!!
I got a heart-shaped box of Russell Stover chocolates.
I got a tin of Lo-Lo Bar Moisturizing Balm in Sweet Plumeria (how did you know I’ve been wanting to try their products Nancy?????).
I got a roll of pink & white animal print washi tape.
I got a container of Chibi needles (I’ve always wanted to try those Nancy!!!)
I got a multi-color pen that is pink with white bows.
And I got a Keep Calm and Craft On tin filled with stitch markers, flowers, hearts, & heart-shaped paper clips.
Amazing!!! It’s like you were in my head & knew exactly what I wanted Nancy. Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Here are pics of all my goodness stuff 🙂
I’m also wondering if Airey received her package from me. 🙂
I posted about what I sent and what I got here: http://aly-oops.blogspot.com/2013/02/swwet-nothing-swap.html
Mom (Airey) got her package from you C.C. My family appears to be somewhat broken about email communication (I kind of think she doesn’t know that Ravelry has a message system). But she was really excited and showed me her goodies while we were there this weekend!
Glad she got it & liked it 🙂
I posted a comment yesterday about what I got, but it says that it is being moderated & hasn’t been approved yet.
Imagine my surprise and delight when I received a Valentine package from Barbara Prime – yes, the one and only Fuzzy Mitten!!! Inside were stitch markers, wool needles, needle gauge in French, and later that day an email from Barbara with an invitation to pick one of her patterns!!!! A perfect Valentine swap! Thank you Emily for hosting this swap.
Sorry that I am late to post! I got to spend the last week at the Madrona Winter Retreat.
I got a darling package from Angela, The Delusional Knitter. A Valentine Sock Monkey, my FAVE clover stitch markers, a note pad, some yummy SOAK and a very sweet note.
Thanks so much Angela.
Amazing package received from Lexie: http://www.flickr.com/photos/knitz/8500472603/in/photostream She sent a little smile my way. Plus yummy yarn, her handmade A B C stitch markers (I’ve been wanting some of those), pencil box for DPNs, pencil toppers and nifty purple thingies to protect needle points, a keychain with a tiny crochet hook! Notepad and pens! Hugs & Kisses in CHOCOLATE! It all put a big smile on my face. Thank you!