I got out the big camera for you!

So far so good! I got all the legs joined together like I thought they would and I’ve only had to back up twice on the body shaping. Which is pretty good for me. I think I’ve made a mistake and have too many leg stitches to deal with for his bottom and his legs might be too long in general, but that’s why you make a prototype! Easy fixes for octopus v.2.
Great Gran is MUCH better! She slept for about 36 hours straight and woke up more like herself (I got a lot of knitting done while watching her sleep). Not on the octopus though, I need all my brain for him since he’s new. Cross your fingers that Great Gran will go home at the end of the week! I’m headed back over there to spend the night in a few hours (Mom and I are taking turns) with half a bear to finish and an elephant to start.
I also managed to make chocolate chip cookies this morning and I’m not sharing a single one with Congress. You hear that? NO COOKIES FOR YOU.
Oh, Emily. I’m so glad to hear that Great Gran is doing better. And good for you! Congress certainly doesn’t deserve cookies. Also, I needed the chuckle your last three sentances caused. Thank you. (:
Happy to hear that Great Gran is feeling more like herself.
Octopus is looking great.
Hooray for GGran! I love the Octopi. But Em I think you should share some cookies with Congress but lace them with a little Ex-lax. 😉