Daily Archives: May 3, 2015

Teensy Kitty

She (torties are girls) wouldn’t get in the teensy trap we found at Lowe’s this afternoon, but she did manage to make it into the garage. We’ve been leaving the garage door cracked for Tyler, resident mostly-feral, but right now he is asleep on the back porch and didn’t notice her.


Four-Five weeks do you guess?

We cornered her, gave her kitten milk and now we’re all besties. She’s all situated in the office bathroom sleeping in a kitty cube.

Tomorrow I’ll start making kitten food mush. Blech.

Edited to Add: Teensy Kitty was FIV positive. She likely got it from her mother. FIV and FeLV don’t have to be death sentences for cats. Kittens may show positive on their tests and have only gotten antibodies from their mamas not the actual virus (like a vaccinated cat will show positive). But kittens need to be isolated for 8-12 months to determine if they really are infected. We have no infrastructure in our area to provide infected cats with isolated care. So we have no more teensy kitty and I am very sad. I’m also worried: Teensy Kitty is the first infected cat to show up in our yard in the 12 years we’ve lived here and I hope it’s not a trend. Spay/Neuter and Vaccinate. You’ll save lives.

Cat Mat

Like my new doormats?


It was time for a change.

It’s impossible not to smile out the way out the door!

Washington (I’m sure he’ll get a new name) is over at a good friend’s house auditioning for the role of Family Cat. He is the most laid back cat I have ever met and was doing splendidly when we left him yesterday. They’ve got two little girls who were over the moon that a kitty was coming.

As soon as we got home from dropping Washington off, we heard an itty bitty kitty on the back porch*. He ran off into the woods and we can’t get near him. I’ve never seen a kitten move so fast, usually I can just bend down and pick them up. I’ve ordered a teensy trap so that we’ll be prepared for next time (chasing kittens through the woods is a terrible idea for everyone involved) and we’ll call the shelter when they open to see if they’ve got one we can borrow in the meantime.

I’m trying to convince the humans in the house that we need to watch a movie today so I can work on this sheep.

I think this must be what people mean when they say, “Never a dull moment.”

*Michael: “You’ve got to be kidding me.”