Every Little Bit

Since finishing Ellie’s romper, there hasn’t been a whole lot of knitting. I go to pick up my needles and notice that the dishwasher needs to be unloaded, the laundry folded, the bed made (I am lying about that one – I haven’t made the bed in at least a week) or I need to finish half a dozen t-shirt designs Right Now. All that to say: in the past week I have completed a single CounterPain Square. I was stuffing it into the bag with the others when I realized that there are lots and lots of unjoined squares.


They are impressive when stacked.

So I am going to do a little bit of crochet for a few days. In the past, it has given me an enormous sense of accomplishment to add a chunk to the CounterPain. The feeling can be likened to getting a second wind. I could use a second wind.

The timer? I didn’t want to forget about my bread.


The recipe is here.

It’s a yummy cheater sourdough. There are enough things in this house that need to be fed – no way I’m adding a starter to that.

9 thoughts on “Every Little Bit

  1. sara

    I wish you the best of luck on the squares!
    What a perfect loaf of bread. I bet the house smelled wonderful when you were done!

  2. Anita

    That is a very impressive stack of CounterPain squares. Every so often I imagine how cool it would be to make one of those spreads and then I remember how long you have been working on yours. I hope you get a second wind! It will be absolutely lovely in the end.

  3. Teyani

    that counterpane is going to be incredible once you complete it. and I bet that one day your daughter will say to you… Mom, will you give that to me 🙂

  4. kathy b

    Oh yeah. You’ll get your second wind! Can’t wait to try your cheater sour dough recipe! My family loves sour dough

  5. Laura

    Yum! That’s delicious looking bread! And that stack of squares is going to look sooooo good when they’re all together!

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