Tag Archives: all in one curriculum

Half Way and Still Happy

We’re half-way through Grade 2.

I’m a little sad because it’s just been so very very spectacular.*

Nest Study - she's making a materials list.

Nest Study – she’s making a materials list. Yes, that’s a nest in my bike helmet.

I am grateful every day that Oak Meadow is an all-in-one curriculum with plenty of space to meet students at their ability level. I don’t have to spend all my time (and money) hand picking individual curriculum for various subjects only to discover that we hate what we picked but it’s too rigidly structured to modify. Oak Meadow book selection not working? No need to sell all of language arts on Ebay, just pick another book – the writing assignments will still apply. The library did upgrade my card to “Frequent Flyer” two weeks after we started school.

This is not to say “Meh meh only people who like to complicate their lives unnecessarily pick and choose curriculum!” That would be ridiculous. Everybody family different – every kid is different! There are plenty of individual situations that need the complication. Not to mention that everyone finds learning at home for their own personal reasons. I’m just saying: there’s no reason to knock yourself if you don’t want (or need) to. Homeschooling is supposed to be happier for everyone – there is no reason to not go with the simplest solution. There is no shame in a ‘boxed’ curriculum – especially one that leaves room for adaptation.

*And not just because I am in the kitchen making biscuits while everyone else is headed to school in 28F°. Suckers.**

**I mean that in the nicest way.