I’m satisfied.
Why was that so hard?
I’m satisfied.
Why was that so hard?
I can have my picot hem and garter bodice too! Also, I don’t have to pull everything out!
Bobble Bind Off is the answer to this problem.
(I’m glad I started at the top.)
I finished dress two.
It’s actually cuter in the picture.
I’m really not happy. Also, explaining what I did to the top is just unreasonable.
So I’m going back to the garter stitch trim and bodice, but seams on the sides (seams really make a difference). I’ve got my fingers crossed that I can pick out the seams, unravel the hem and bodice to change them and not have to spend any more hours on the skirt.
If I can’t unravel, I will NEVER FINISH. *despairs*
New Mindful Fiber next week!
I’ve got just what you need for summer knitting.