Rain, rain go away.
I was going to show you a nice picture of our swamp of a yard, but it seems that I have let the camera battery go dead. Ah, well.
Sunday was bee-u-ti-ful: sunny and breezy and warmish. But today, monsoon season started when I walked out the door to go to work. Winter’s not over yet. I may have a chance to wear the MustHave after all! I don’t think I am losing steam in it’s production, I am just distacted by all of the spring and summer posibilities (and all of the new yarns I will have to order to make the spring and summer possibilities). I think the first thing on my list is the Vintage Knits short-sleeved, striped sweater. I have been drooling over the picture waaay too long! Then maybe that little cardigan set in the new Interweave (take a look at the free pattern for the Blue Sky Organic Cotton Tank while you’re over there). And then…well, I really shouldn’t get to far ahead of myself. But I think another cotton sweater vest for M is also in the queue. He’s so cute in vests.
The pattern for Mercury came today. It looks like it will be a lot of fun to make. This counts as a small project so I am allowed to make it while I am working on the MustHave. Now I just have to pick the colors: I am thinking something bright (read: fun) but serviceable (read: won’t show dirt). So grey and pink, or brown and green, or olive and orange. I just don’t know! Suggestions are very welcome.
I am now off to work on the MustHave! I have been having a little trouble knitting at home lately. But Betty is having her afternoon nap in the middle of the bed, so if I go very very quitely into the den and very very quietly get out my knitting. . .maybe she won’t notice what is going on. . .
Thanks for the comment! Gloves aren’t hard at all. You’re either knitting a tube, or you’re picking up stitches for fingers.
The Mercury bag looks like fun. My vote goes toward one of the two green combinations. If you want it to be slightly toned down, then the brown and green would work. If you want it a little more bright and fun, go with the olive and orange.
Raining cats and dogs here in TX too. I feel your (very soggy) pain.
Yay! Thanks for liking my Stitches account! And your Must-Have is must-adorable, by my account…. 🙂