So, I was all “I have all morning Wednesday to just knit! I bet I can finish the back of the MustHave!” Then we went to supper at Great Gran’s Tuesday night and I left my knitting there. Like a Big Dope. This would not have been a problem if the weather had just been nice and Great Gran had come to town Wednesday morning and brought me my sweater. But no. It cold, rainy and windy. I didn’t get it back until Wednesday at supper.
Why didn’t I work on it Thursday, you ask? SNOW DAY! Well, not so much here, but there was snow in Georgia (a whole inch in some places). We figured if my mom and sister and Michael’s mom and sister didn’t have to go to school/work, neither did we. We played MarioKart all day and ate pizza for dinner. I love snow days. As a consequence, the back of the MustHave didn’t get finished until late last night.

My great Gran-mother made the place mats!
I made it an inch longer through the body than the largest size (mine is 14″, 21.75″ total). This way, it won’t end up quite so cropped.
My Dad is down here this weekend and he and M have gone off to meet dad’s brother and some cousins for what they call a “Tupperware Party.” Now, I could be wrong, but I am next-door to positive that they aren’t watching someone demonstrate food storage items. I know that there will be hunting/fishing (big pastimes down here) and food. They might seal the leftovers in a Modular Mate afterwards. The dog and I are going over to Great Gran’s for the afternoon to cast on for the MustHave front and pick my next project. You gotta order the yarn early – you never know what shipping is going to be like! When I order, I am going to get the wool for my laptop case (thanks for the color suggestions – I am still having trouble making up my mind). With any luck, the yarn fairy will be paying me a visit very soon!
It is a gorgeous day! Sunny and 60°. What finer weater is there for planning spring projects?