At this time tomorrow there won’t be any electricity. It’s surreal to be sitting here typing and know that. That is one thing hurricanes have going for them that tornados and earthquakes don’t: you know when they’re coming.
We came back to Bay Minette* yesterday. I’ve been up since six battening the hatches at our house and out at Great Gran’s. All the potted plants are in their respective garages along with with most of the lawn furniture. All the birdbaths have been tipped over. I’ve opted for no plywood on the French doors. I figure: if you are putting plywood up to keep your doors from being ruined, once you screw things into your doors, they are pretty much ruined. I’ll take my chances with that one. But there is plenty of water and bread (truck loads of cheap white bread have been coming into town all day), library books (priorities, folks) and food for the critters (and critter treats). I made brownies. Can’t have a storm without brownies. And we’ve moved the ham radio stuff into the house. There is also lots and lots of yarn. It may be a while before I post again because of that whole electricity thing, but I’ll have plenty to show you when I do.
My Great Gran-mother left me a treat in the back yard to make me feel better about this whole thing. It has come up right in the middle of the grass! Last week there was no sign of it and all of a sudden there is this reamarkable, exotic looking lily thing. I love it when stuff like that happens.

Ya’ll be safe.
*When they show you the maps on TV, look for Alabama’s Pants Legs (a.k.a. Mobile Bay). Bay Minette is at the tip top (the crotch, if you will – really more like the left front pocket – at the tip top to the right – you get the idea) of the pants legs.
P.S. Did you know that if Ivan goes to New Orleans they’ll be flooded for six weeks? Being below sea level sucks.