Yarn Miracle has been experiencing some technical difficulties: for about 24 hours there, my mail went somewhere other than to me. M offers his appologies. He has explained to me that it is “just gone” and there’s nothing to be done. My response was “huh.” So, if you haven’t heard back from me regarding your very kind comments, that’s why. After this, I am going to find everyone through the comments page and respond personally (that’s the plan anyway).* In the meantime, thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on YM’s condition in other browsers, I really appreciate it!
The left front of the Inferior Cardigan is finished:

The Perfect Cardigan is the one on the right, which places the Inferior Cardigan on the left.
It’s almost creepy how well this is coming out. Perhaps the Inferior Cardigan is the Perfect Cardigan’s evil twin…or perhaps Great Gran really did just follow one pattern (instead of mix and matching) after all. The world may never know.
I’ve gone on ahead and blocked the sleeves. I have limited blocking space and it’s so much easier to seam things when the edges aren’t curly. Here is a fun extra: the Inferior Button Bands are knit along with the rest of the cardi. They are 11 stitches long, but you slip the middle stitch on the RS to make a “fold line.” You’re supposed to sew the outside edge of the band to the inside edge to make a thicker for the buttons. Pretty nifty.
Bloomin’ Update: Emily has made 24 rows of pattern!

It would have been 32 rows, except I managed to Misplace a stitch. The funny thing is, when I backed up to the offending stitch, my count STILL wasn’t right. I had to tink back to the ribbing before it was right again. I never did figure out where that stitch went.** When I started over, I elected to work in a Cat Free Zone with no distractions. Things have been going much better.
*We are looking at other blog software (MovableType didn’t have anything to do with my missing email, that was all M). My requirements are few: some sort of “are you human” check on the comments and let people with gmail and hotmail addys post a comment (for crying out loud already). Also I like “lightbox” a whole bunch so I want that instead of having to make pop-ups.
**Perhaps it went the way of my email.