I finished Excessively Long Sock the First! Joy!

Sure it’s pretty, but will it stay up?
The ends are still dangly. This is just in case I have to add a little more to the top to make it tall enough for my Darling Sister’s Darling Legs which are (and I mean this literally) six feet long. I am experiencing more than a little anxiety about this since I, myself, have tried the sock on. My legs are not six feet long (by a long shot) and the ribbing cleared my knee by a couple inches. I have decided that if I have to add more length underneath the ribbing, I will do a simple twisted stitch thing since the diamonds won’t look right if the are knit upside down. If the ribbing clears her knee, I think I can get away with just more stockinette at the top. The up-side of all of this is that diamonds up the back of one’s leg are Wicked Hot.
I didn’t start on sock #2 right away because I took a couple days to make a scarf for the Red Scarf Project.

There are pictures of me wearing it, but due to the rain they are blurry. This will have to do.
Great Gran is making two fluffy scarves (Fun Fur and this other stuff with sparkly eyelash) so I was going for something a little more manly (here “manly” can also mean “boring”). The Red Heart Plush is soft and squishy, not at all unpleasant to work with or to wear. You also end up with an interesting fabric that you might see at the Gap.*
The Cherry Tree Hill from Fuzzy Mabel came today. The Final Bloomin’ Choices are made!

I swear it’s not quite that yellow in Real Life.
I ordered both Leaf and Loden (and some variagated stuff for Mom) so I could make an informed decision. The Leaf is a very pretty color but I am afraid that if I use it, the only thing people will notice is BRILLIANT GREEN SOCKS. The Embossed Leaf Socks (IK Winter ’05) deserve so much more than that. I’m going with the loden, which is also pretty but in a much more sedate, understated way. Unless, of course, my unwitting Secret Socky Pal (in spite of no mention of such an aversion in her blog or in her Sock Pal Profile) should comment that olive green is hideous and she would be ashamed to wear socks in that particular shade of “Ew.” Maybe I’ll be so filled with indecision, I will just go with Natural. Sigh
The weather is its own Paticular Shade of “Ew” this evening. We’re not going to the Farm for supper which leaves me with plenty of time to work on the first sleeve of the Inferior Cardigan. I’m about four sets of increases along and should have a decent amount of progress to show you when next we meet. I might also cast on for Excessively Long Sock the Second. It occurs to me that if they are way too short for my Darling Sister’s Darling Legs, I’ll get to keep them!
*I’d link to Gap.com but I am mad at them. Since their “upgrade” folks who use Safari can’t shop. Gap.com, you are on my List!