The Olympic buttons just get better and better.
Daily Archives: January 21, 2006
The Inferior Cardigan Bares Arms
I’ve been doing a little knitting on the Inferior Cardigan.

The gaterstitch at the raglan sleeves is made by making a p2tog as the decrease on both sides. The Inferior sleeves came out the same size as the Perfect Sleeves! The only difference so far is that the cuffs are smaller/tighter. I think Great Gran used the cuffs from the other pattern: there is no change in needle size when you are finished with ribbing. I have decided to run with the smaller needle size; ribbing has been known to stretch out. Both sleeves are finished and I have made the band for the back of the sweater. The Inferior Cardigan should look like this in no time:

Naturally, the picture with the smirk came out beautifully. Look how many blooms that bush has had!
I mailed our red scarves yesterday.

Great Gran’s are the furry ones! They are so fun.
The Consensus has been to go with the Loden yarn for my Bloomin’ Socks, so I am ready to get started. The first step is to master is the method of casting on that the designer wants me to use. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t care and would cast on however I wanted, but the tops of the socks in the picture are so neat and clean that I am compelled make mine Exactly the Same. I am going to practice a bit, the diagram of the cast on shows yarn wrapped around lots of fingers. Too many fingers. This Concerns me.
I Forgot to Mention
I have been working my way through the blogs of the entire list of Olympic Knitters (I’m on the “Ks”). I don’t know why. Some perverse desire seizes me every time I see a list of links like that. As I go through, I am NOT NOT NOT looking at their “Blogs I Read” lists – that is just too much Kevin Bacon for me. But anyway.
I have a short list in my side bar of blogs that I read all the time. It grows and changes depending upon a number of variables. But I have an MUCH longer list of bookmarked blogs. More than any one person can read in a week. Unless, of course, they have insomnia. Which I do not. I’ve always felt bad about my neglected bookmarks, and every now and then I take a day to go through all of them – you can’t just read a few, the others get jealous – and skim what all has happened in the past couple days. I am not satisfied with this and the all day blog-a-thon makes me crazy. So M has written me A Script. A Script that selects a random batch of blogs from my bookmarks each week and lists them conveniently in my side bar. I feel so liberated.