I finished those green striped socks that I started a billion years ago.

I don’t count socks in the Only Two Active Projects Allowed at a Time rule because I almost always working on a pair. They are such nice, small projects to take in the car or to meetings or to Great Gran’s house. They don’t take a whole lot of concentration (unless they are paticularly elaborate or one is grafting) so I can talk/listen/observe and knit at the same time. I finished these yesterday at the Farm when I went over to hang out. Great Gran was saying that she just didn’t really have anything new to make (she is waiting on a pattern and yarn order) and wants to use up all her worsted yarn. I pulled up Knitty on the computer and showed her Coronet. She got started right away.

This morning she called to see if I wanted to run errands with her. When I hopped in the passenger seat, I found the finished band and some needles. She didn’t want my company – she just wanted me to pick up the stitches for the crown!
This last bit is for Becky who wants to see our favorite non-handknit socks. Here are mine:

The monkeys on the left are the runners up.
Last Christmas, both my Mom and Aunt Sandy gave me a pair of these! They are covered in Angus Dogs and I love them. They are also covered in cat hair, but hopefully you won’t notice that.
Oh the puppy socks are cute! I’d love those too! And weren’t you sweet to “run errands”! GRIN
How cute! Once you picked up her stitches, you could carry her groceries, too, though :o). Granddaughters have many good uses. (I so miss my Grannies!)
Such cute socks – both the knit and the non-knit! 😉
Well, if you’d been readily available when I was knitting Coronet, I might have had you pick up my stitches too! Picking up stitches is my least favorite part of knitting. Even more than seaming.
Oh the green socks are so cute! LOVE THEM!
You grandmother is awesome – how lucky you are to be able to share knitting projects with her!
Cute cute! When I first saw the pic before I read the text, I thought that I have to have that pattern to make some for my mom! Now, I’m just going to have to hunt them down!
Those are cute socks. I like the colours on the green ones and the doggie and monkey on the other 2. How comforting to me that you wear cute socks, makes me feel it’s ok, I don’t always have to look grown up 🙂 Your grandma’s coronet reminds me that I have a coronet gone wrong, that I want to convert into something else. Grandmas are special people – please say “hi” to her for me and tell her I enjoy seeing her knits.
Love the green striped socks! And how sweet of you to pu sts. I have a friend here I do it for and still can’t figured out how I got myself into that one.