Here’s some more information to help answer the age-old question: “Which Yarn Should I Use for This Spread?”
Daily Archives: February 18, 2006

It needs to be blocked, but the worst is over! On to the mittens!
I also worked on bedspead examples to give my left wrist a break. I liked the one in Rowan Magazine #33 much better than the others (as well I should – I had to pay for that one). But I didn’t like it as much as I felt that I could like it with minimal effort. I made some changes. Well, I made a lot of changes. The only things that remain the same are the number of stitches, the inclusion of yarn overs, a bobble row (with a different kind of bobble) and a leaf. The hard part is deciding which yarn to use.

On the left, Sugar’n Cream. On the right, Shine.
I know which one I like to knit with better. I know which one is prettier. I know which one is softer. I know which one will be less expensive and which one will allow me to make fewer squares. What I don’t know is: Which one will hold up better and stand the Test of Time? The Sugar’N Cream is 100% cotton and the Shine has %40 modal. My gut says that the Sugar’N Cream is the way to go because it is the closest to the cotton that Gran-mother used. Has anyone made anything from Shine yet? Knitter’s Review praises it (and I can certainly see why – it’s marvelous!) but for a spread, I just don’t know. What do y’all think?