It needs to be blocked, but the worst is over! On to the mittens!
I also worked on bedspead examples to give my left wrist a break. I liked the one in Rowan Magazine #33 much better than the others (as well I should – I had to pay for that one). But I didn’t like it as much as I felt that I could like it with minimal effort. I made some changes. Well, I made a lot of changes. The only things that remain the same are the number of stitches, the inclusion of yarn overs, a bobble row (with a different kind of bobble) and a leaf. The hard part is deciding which yarn to use.

On the left, Sugar’n Cream. On the right, Shine.
I know which one I like to knit with better. I know which one is prettier. I know which one is softer. I know which one will be less expensive and which one will allow me to make fewer squares. What I don’t know is: Which one will hold up better and stand the Test of Time? The Sugar’N Cream is 100% cotton and the Shine has %40 modal. My gut says that the Sugar’N Cream is the way to go because it is the closest to the cotton that Gran-mother used. Has anyone made anything from Shine yet? Knitter’s Review praises it (and I can certainly see why – it’s marvelous!) but for a spread, I just don’t know. What do y’all think?
Ooh, pretty hat! And as for the Shine, I haven’t used it, but I have heard lots of good things about it. Brynne at All This By Hand has used a good bit of it, I think.
the hat is really cool. i love the subtle drops of color on the top half.
i have not worked with shine, but i kinda like the old school sugar n cream yarn. maybe throw the swatch in the wash and see what happens? just a thought…
Woohoo! Finished hat looks awesome! I love all the interesting stitch patterns on the washcloths–those look really fun.
I think that the Sugar and Cream will definitely stand the test of time.
On the two yarns, my exerience with Sugar & Creme is that its so soft before you wash it and afterwards not. Fortget to put the fabric softner in the wash and it’ll come out crunchy. I think you should throw both swatches in the wash about 4 times and then dry them the way you would normally dry this creation and see how you like them. I haven’t used the shine yet either. As far as looks go, of course right now the S&C is superior both in color and stitch detail.
That hat you made looks hard but pretty!
I think your hat looks great! I’ve never used S&C or Shine so I don’t have any input to add. I do however, love your design!
Great hat! I haven’t used either of the yarns either though so I can’t be any help there. You are making a whole bedspread? Wow!
The hat is beautiful! I can’t wait to see the mittens.
The bedspread squares are beautiful. I think I would go with the Sugar N Cream over the Shine. I like the color of it better, but I think that is because I like bright white bedspreads. I think the cotton may hold up better over time, women have been making bedspreads out of cotton forever, maybe because it is a natural fiber?
My goodness, the hat came out wonderful, didn’t it?
As far as the beadspread square, I haven’t used either one, but I would suggest you go with you gut. Your taste is exceptional, and you always know, deep down, the right way to go.
The motif is exquisite!
I like the look of the sugar ‘n cream best but wonder if it will be heavy once it’s in bedspread form? What about the Rowan All Season’s Cotton, or maybe a dk or sport 100% cotton yarn. I have TLC cotton plus(?), a cotton/micro blend in the stash for that pattern, but I haven’t even swatched it yet so I’m no help there.
I haven’t used Sugar ‘N Cream, but I did knit a log cabin baby blanket with Shine. I washed it once before gifting it, and it was incredibly soft but I did notice a bit of halo to it. I have an idea it would “fuzzy up” with some use, but if you don’t mind that, give it a try. Making a square from each yarn and washing a number of times, as someone else suggested, would probably give you a good idea which to choose.
Great job on the hat! It came out beautifully.
I have never used S&C, but I have used Shine. I like it a lot, but I agree that it gets a bit of fuzziness pretty quickly. I like the soft look that gives it, but if you’re doing a complicated pattern, you might be disappointed by the loss of stitch definition.
In any case, both swatches look beautiful!
First, the hat is wonderful.
I like the detail of the shine, but I concur with those who suggested washing both swatches a couple of times to see how they do. That might make the decision very easy….
I’m chiming in a bit late here, but I wanted to put in my two cents about Shine. I’ve knit a sweater for my daughter in it, and found the fabric to be very drapey. I think the Sugar ‘n Cream would probably be more durable, and judging from the pic, it shows the stitch definition better. The hat looks fabulous, too!