Just for you, Becky (your socks look so good)!

We actually have two front doors. The house is very symmetrical.
It was foggy yesterday when I went out to take pictures so I thought I would wait ’til today and try again. It’s foggy today, too, so you’ll just have to take what you can get. This is not the view straight out the door (as I am sure you can tell). That view is of a vast, muddy expanse of driveway and a gigantic tree stump that has been leaning across it since Katrina. The part of the tree that was in the driveway has been cleared, but it’s too much effort to get the farm equipment over here for just three upended stumps. There will be more down this summer. It’s just too depressing. So I’ve opted to show you what I choose to see when I look out the door: some of Gran-Dad’s camellias. You can’t really see the flowers because of the fog, but trust me, they are pretty. The bucket of sticks is actually my haul from Bay Minette’s Arbor Day. Alabama is 70% trees so we take Arbor Day very seriously.
And now I tag: Leah and K.T. and Jenn. Show us the view from your front door!
Yarn Aboard Update
I gave up on the ordered yarn and bought Emergency Yarn to send along to my Box Pal. I was all packed up and ready to go and went to copy her address out of my email only to find that it’s not there! HOW did I manage to lose it?! Every other Yarn Aboard email was still in there. I can tell you my Pal’s name, blog, fiber preference and generally where she lives. Everything except those crucial numbers and street names. I’ve emailed Amanda (who I am sure has saved everything because she knows disasters happen and honestly, I am surprised she still lets me play) so the box should be on it’s way shortly. I hope.
Update to the Update
Akk! Amanda is having her own disaster with “corneal erosion.” It isn’t permanent but it does NOT sound fun. Speedy healing, Amanda, and don’t worry: I am taking matters into My Own Hands.