The Question of Yarn

Want to see something?

post office desk full of yarn

That is my supply of sock yarn. I thought I only had enough yarn on hand to make a dozen pairs. It turns out that I can make 28. I can make 28 pairs of socks without leaving the house.

I know exactly how this happened. I tend to buy yarn for specific projects, so when I go to yarn shops I don’t buy large quantities of random yarn. To compensate, I pick up sock yarn instead. At some point, I began to seek out sock yarns that I hadn’t tried. Collecting them, if you will.* So now I have enough yarn for 28 pairs of socks. This means that I absolutely-for-sure should not join a sock of the month club. Boo. Now if I can find a sock pattern of the month club….

four spread squares

These are the test yarns for the Bed Spread: (top row) Peaches & Creme, Crosheen (heavy), (bottom row) Shine and Sugar N’Cream. P&C and the SnC are the real contenders here, the Shine (too soft) and the Crosheen (too small) are included mostly because I wanted to show you how the squares go together. So I put them through the washing machine with a pile of clothes to see which one had the best stitch definition after agitation.

spread squares after the wash

Here are the squares in the same order as before. The Crosheen looks exactly the same! If I didn’t have to make a hundred thousand squares, I would absolutely use this one. But in the end, I will be going with my original gut decision: Sugar N’Cream. The P&C came out floppier than it was when it went in, which seems to indicate that it isn’t spun as tightly and therefore, won’t wear as well. The SnC maintained its sturdy, crisp stitch defintion and original feel. Drape isn’t super important since the finished spread is going to be so monstrously heavy it won’t really matter.

As a side note, Shine rocks! It is still soft after a trip through the washer and seems to have maintained it’s shape pretty well (the squished side in the picture is my fault). I will certainly be using Shine for projects this summer!

*I still haven’t tried Trekking, Hill Country Yarns (Instant Gratification or Sweet Feet), Toasty Toes, the one that comes with a contrast color for the heel and toes (I forget the name), and sock yarn from Crazy Monkey Creations (there are MONKEYS on the label!). I love monkeys. I don’t care how much sock yarn I have, I’m getting that one as soon as they make a color that isn’t sea foam green.

28 thoughts on “The Question of Yarn

  1. Carole

    I do the same thing with yarn purchases – buying sock yarn doesn’t count. I’m sure I have at least enough yarn to make 28 pairs of socks, too. I think the Sugar n Cream looks good. But, how many of these square do you have to make? Yikes!

  2. Karen

    Oh I bet I have at least that much sock yarn too. I don’t know I want to know enough to actually count them though.
    The S&C square was the one I picked by looking at the pictures too. Although they all look pretty nice. What size spread are you making?

  3. monica

    I just counted mine yesterday and I have enough to make 23 pairs. Of course that doesn’t count the yarn that I ordered yesterday for 2 more pairs and the yarn I ordered today for 1 pair.

  4. Laura

    Oh yes! I love the sock yarn storage – I must make something like that!! So pretty with all that sock yarn in the cubbies. Do you ever have a problem with bugs getting into your wool? I am worrying about it now that spring is getting near.

    The afghan/spread will be SO PRETTY!! Where did the pattern come from? I need to read back – I think you mentioned it a few posts ago. I love it and can’t wait to see a few blocks put together.

  5. Leah

    Oh please!? 28 pair? P-shaw, I say.

    I wouldn’t show you my front door photo because I am ashamed of the uninspired view and neglected gardens.

    I will show you my sock stash! Stay tuned for a true view of addiction!

    BTW, your spread is going to be lovely!

  6. MJ

    The S&C is definitely the winner. Beautiful stitch definition. If you weight that swatch and calculate how many swatches you’ll end up having, I bet you could find out the weight of the spread. Heavy!!!

  7. Rachel

    I love the idea of knowing how many pairs of socks you are equipped to make without leaving the house. You know, in case the terrorists attack. I can make 2…but the sock bug bit me recently and I know that’s going to skyrocket very soon.

    I’m very impressed with your diligent testing of yarns before committing to one for a huge project. I’m glad you found a winner!

  8. becky

    I agree with your choice for the bedspred Em. ANd I LOVE the way you’ve displayed your sock yarn. Looks like art!

  9. erin

    That is a neat way to display sock yarn. I know what you mean, it’s so easy to buy 2 little balls of sock yarn each time and before you know it, you’ve got a nice little collection. Somehow I like the bigger blanket squares, they look more like a blanket, if the squares are too small, I’m thinking of tablecloth!

  10. Teyani

    Oh Emily – your sock yarn stash is so gorgeous! I have no idea how many socks I can make, but I know that at the moment my stash is bulging.. I splurged at Stitches and so I’m loaded for now..
    BTW – the bedspread is going to be fabulouso!

  11. Jessica

    I like how you have the yarn displayed. The wood cubbies look great. I know what you mean about picking up sock yarn instead of random balls. That is how mine has grown as well.

  12. Jessica

    I like how you have the yarn displayed. The wood cubbies look great. I know what you mean about picking up sock yarn instead of random balls. That is how mine has grown as well.

  13. amanda

    Emily–Thanks so much for the sweet card! You rock!

    I love your sock yarn storage solution. I just keep having to buy those rubbermaid totes since mine is out of control. Which btw, if it makes you feel any better I probably have enough sock yarn to knit 3x that many pairs of socks. I think I need an intervention!!!

  14. Tonni

    Love your sock yarn cubby! I know what you mean about “collecting” sock yarn. I’m trying to get my LYS to order some Trekking since I haven’t yet tried this yarn either but have heard that a yarn shop in Huntsville stocks this brand. Love your hat and mitten set. Do you have a pattern for the bedspread you will be knitting? The squares are beautiful… will they be the same throughout? Still learning this blogging thing myself, but am very impressed with your blog. Happy knitting!

  15. Rachel

    Your sock yarn is so nice and tidy in those cubbies. Mine is piled in baskets, so I forget what I even have. The way you have it stored is so much more inspiring. I won’t admit to how much sock yarn I have, but I believe that you can never have enough!

  16. Esther

    I LOVE the way you have the sock yarn stored!! Those cubby type cubes are awesome!
    The squares are lovely also – that’s going to be beautiful when you’re done.

  17. Beak

    Thanks for the info on Shine! I have two patterns I made for the girls that I’d like to re-try in Shine, but I’ve been waiting to order it. I was afraid It wouldn’t hold up after going through the wash.

    The squares are so pretty. I can’t imagine how long it will take to do a whole bedspread.

  18. Katie

    Wow! You know, after reading people’s posts about how much yarn they have in their stash, I have decided that mine is completely malnourished. So, off to Knitterly.
    I love Sugar ‘n Cream–it’s so cheap and not bad quality. Have fun with your bedspread! =D

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