We should do this again in a few months when you can see the flowers! But here you are:

the wide view of the back porch

I need to order a new gazing ball!

a closer view of the backporch

That’s my little shade garden to the left.

The back porch is off of the kitchen. The cats like to bird watch out the kitchen windows. My back (while taking the pictures) was to the road and the large amount of back yard that has just been cleared of blackberries (one can hope anyway) and then filled with little stick trees and bushes. They are all decorated with pink flagging tape that says “Mr. Brown, don’t mow me!” The whole thing looks a fairly pathetic, so I have decided not to show you that. Rather, imagine what it will look like 20 years from now whent the trees have grown up and you can’t see the road…

My plan for today is to finish the BF sock so that I can start on my stuff for Project Spectrum. We will also be waiting for AAA to come. The battery in the truck has died, leaving us Stranded. This is fine with me: I can make 29 pairs of socks (I found two more balls of Fixation in the bottom of my needle bucket).

13 thoughts on “BACKYARD GREETINGS

  1. Teyani

    oh my what a lovely home your have – and those chairs just seem to call out one’s name to sit and have a sip of iced tea.
    Yeas – we’ll all have better views in another month. Maybe we should encourage Becky to do this backyard tour the first weekend of every month?

  2. amanda

    Your home and yard are beautiful Emily! Strange how everything here is in bloom and has been for a few weeks now…seems like you all are on the same latitude and you’d be full of color too.

    Bummer about the battery. I do hope AAA came…if I lived closer I’d offer to drive you to work or out for tea. Sometimes even with all that sock yarn waiting to be knit you just have to get out of the house on a beautiful day!

  3. Rachel

    Both your house and yard are gorgeous. I imagine that it must be truly stunning in the summer. I’ll be looking forward to some pictures of the flowers in bloom!

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