The Month of Finished Projects

First, a hurricane sock-in-progress picture.

still life with sock and monkeys

This isn’t the best picture I took of the sock. I just liked the monkeys.

Second, an actual hurricane-in-progress picture.

TS Chris

Chris has surprised everyone by making it this far. If you are a weather buff, you might want to read more about him here.

And now, a Public Service Announcement.

August is going to be The Month Emily Finishes Things. I will be wrapping up the three pairs of socks I have on the needles (four if you count Squall), finishing the FBS (or making an honest attempt at it anyway) and renewing my vows to the Epic Counterpain. I am going to make at least one bedspread square a week. To facilitate this goal, the only knitting allowed while watching Monk and Psych is bedspread knitting.

With luck, hard work and candy, maybe I will be able to start new projects in September. Like throw pillows. Or a cardigan. Or more socks.

16 thoughts on “The Month of Finished Projects

  1. Rachel

    An admirable goal! And the nice thing about finishing things is that, well, you wind up with finished things! To use! And enjoy!

  2. erin

    Socks have a lovely textured pattern. Sometimes it’s good to focus on working on particular projects, helps get them done 🙂

  3. Becky / Knitting Interrupted

    Hey girl, just stopping by to say hello. I don’t know what you are talking about. That pic of the socks Haaaaaaaaaaas to be the best one! Even with the monkeys. Hehehe.

    And sadly yes I’m watching this new TS too. I’m hoping it’ll weaken. What can I do to improve our odds??? There has to be something! UGH!

    Lots of luck with the counterpane. I wish I had one in the works myself!

  4. Teyani

    hah hah hah… my fingers were just typing too fast… I MEANT to say… YOU rock…. but then again, knowing how wise you are, you probably guessed that 🙂

  5. Susan

    Loooooove the sock monkeys. They just spread the joy around, don’t they? We all probably need one lurking in the background of every picture we take from now on out…..

    And as for knitting & chocolate, Green & Black make a dark chocolate bar called ‘Maya Gold’ that is seriously to die for – one little square and your fingers just suddenly understand how to do a T3 or a ‘k2tog, double yo, ssk’ with nary a hesitation or pause………….want some sent your way????? I can think of nothing better to get those socks FINISHED & thereby prevent any hurricanes from heading your way!

  6. kt

    Ok, I see that no one else has stepped up, so it’s my duty…..

    Far Right Sock Monkey: “….and the dinosaur said, “Well, I DID use the Kitchner stitch for the toe, but I don’t HAVE toes!!”

    Far Left Sock Monkey: (partially spewing chewed-up coconut/banana cookie onto others) “BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!”

    Middle Sock Monkey:”What’s a kitchen her stitch”?

    Somewhat Squished Sock Monkey under Hysterically Laughing Far Left Sock Monkey: “Urf.”

    May your hurricane season be short and uneventful.

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