God bless the great state of Alabama. I love it when we make the national news for acts of patriotism perpetrated in birthday suits. Details, anyone?
Monthly Archives: August 2006
The Month of Finished Projects
First, a hurricane sock-in-progress picture.

This isn’t the best picture I took of the sock. I just liked the monkeys.
Second, an actual hurricane-in-progress picture.

Chris has surprised everyone by making it this far. If you are a weather buff, you might want to read more about him here.
And now, a Public Service Announcement.
August is going to be The Month Emily Finishes Things. I will be wrapping up the three pairs of socks I have on the needles (four if you count Squall), finishing the FBS (or making an honest attempt at it anyway) and renewing my vows to the Epic Counterpain. I am going to make at least one bedspread square a week. To facilitate this goal, the only knitting allowed while watching Monk and Psych is bedspread knitting.
With luck, hard work and candy, maybe I will be able to start new projects in September. Like throw pillows. Or a cardigan. Or more socks.
Meat Cake
You’ve GOT to be kidding me. M wants one for his birthday.