I forgot to mention that on the way back from The Computer Store (for real, that’s the name of the store), the Hot Doughnut light was on! A hot original glazed doughnut (or six) makes me feel so much better about life.
Daily Archives: December 5, 2006
Logic Board
For the record, my recent abscence is not because of some sort of deep psychological wound over Wake Forest’s* win the other day.

Jacksonville Stadium! There is a knitting in the rain picture but it is in M’s phone.**
My not-been-blogging-problem is much more serious: Colonel North (my iMac, long story) is sick. The other morning, The Col. just wouldn’t wake up. He is off at The Computer Store (for real, that’s the name of the place) getting a new logic board. I miss him so much.
The Yarn Tourism on Saturday was as dissappointing as the rain and the football. We arrived at KnitWitz at 3 minutes ’til ten (when they were supposed to open) and stood around making their window smeary for ten mintes waiting for someone to open the shop.

Let me IN!
I finally called it quits because there was just enough time to run to the other yarn store: A Stitch in Time. They were open, but since they also sell cross stitch and needlepoint, they carried the usual small store yarn selection (felting, novelty, Debbie Bliss, the only sock yarn I saw was On-Line) along with a good-sized selection of patterns. I didn’t buy anything and I didn’t take any pictures. No one spoke to me when I came through the door, no one asked what I was looking for when I frantically searched the needle rack***, no one offered to help when I was aimlessly scanning the yarn. They didn’t even say “thank you for coming” as I was on my way out. This made me feel unloved (a feeling I don’t usually get when surrounded by yarn). So I didn’t take pictures.
On the upside, the new camera is here! We also got a Wii which means that I have been playing Zelda. Saving Hyrule really takes the edge off.
*Congratulations! It couldn’t have happened to a more polite bunch of football fans! Game Day was a pleasure in spite of the steady, cold drizzle, the pat-down at the gate and the fact that the game itself was not that exciting (final score: 6-9, all points made with field goals). Your coach seems like a really nice guy and I hope you have fun in Miami.
**M is not awake. So I am using the laptop. This is also my excuse for any unnoticed gramatical errors (I am fond of sentance fragments) and unnoticed mispelled words. My spelling is lousy. My email capabilities are also dependent upon how long he sleeps.
***Another set of size 1 bamboo dpns. I live in fear that I will break one and be unable to knit. One of the reasons I only use bamboo needles when I think I will have to go through security and they might take my sock.