When we got home last night, William Henry was Wound Up. He ran back and forth between the den and the sun parlor (it’s a straight shot between opposite ends of the house) for at least 20 minutes while we unloaded the car. Every now and then he would slide to a stop (or crash into another cat) and look around. This got everyone else worked up and they stayed that way for quite a while.
Here is the knitting I did in the car last night in the dark:

That’s the light-up nativity through the window.
While taking this picture just now, I had a Startling Revelation: I bought this yarn before Blue Moon added the extra yardage to the Socks That Rock skeins. I have been knitting with it like it had the extra yardage (the sock leg is longer than I would have made it otherwise). I am not going to have enough to finish the second sock. I’ve weighed both the sock I finished on Friday (2 1/4 oz.) and the unfinished sock and rest of the yarn (2 1/8 oz. including needles). Sigh. I hope I can make them match by doing the toes in another color.
I haven’t made the macaroni yet, but Michael has just gotten up so it’s time for the Sweepstakes drawing! Everyone is in the hat that I made for M on Saturday/Sunday (Yay! I finished him one new thing to wear on Christmas). And here he is drawing a name:

And the Winner is…

Hrm. That says “Beth” – you’ll just have to trust me.
Yay! Congratulations, Beth! And on the baby, too, if it’s here! I’ll email you to get your address.
To everyone else, have a Very Merry Christmas! I am off to make macaroni and last minute cookies for my Aunt’s family (they said they weren’t coming!).
Christmas-8, Emily-3 (I got a point for finishing the hat and one for having the ingredients for last minute cookies). I beat the spread!
Note: I forgot to add that if you aren’t Beth – Shear Panic can be ordered from:
Mayfair Games (the folks who made it)
Cardhaus Games
and Amazon (but it’s from one of their associates)
Thanks, Cindy! I forgot to mention that part!