Last night we were out doing a little Christmas shopping* and I saw something that made Christmas a tiny bit better** for me. In fact, when I saw it I was seized with the immediate desire to buy a copy for every single one of you.

Look! Look! A game about fiber!
Unfortunately, there were only two copies of the game on the shelf. Which means that instead of getting a game for each of you, I was only able to get a game for one of you. You know what that means!
Yarn Miracle Presents: The What’s So Great About Christmas Sweepstakes!
All you have to do to enter the Sweepstakes is tell me What’s So Great About Christmas between now and midnight (central) on the 24th. Everyone who leaves a comment (mentioning a memory, your favorite thing about Christmas, a sweet story, the best present ever, a warning about three spirits who will be visiting me shortly etc. etc.) will be entered in a drawing. There will be no exclusions based on what winter holiday (if any) you actually celebrate, no judgement calls about what you like best, no measure taken of personal enthusiasm about the holiday season and international entries are welcome. The idea is to help my shriveled Grinch heart grow three sizes. The winner will be drawn and announced after I make macaroni and cheese*** on Christmas Day.
Let me tell you a little bit about what you’ll win.
Shear Panic is one of the most insanely complex games ever in the history of the world. There are 72 individual pieces of game paraphanelia.

Scoring changes four times during the game. There are Lamb Slams, Mutton Buttons, dice with no numbers, a ram named Roger and plot twists that make the winning completely unpredictable. In the end, somebody gets sheared. Awesome. Although it took a good half hour sort out the rules initially, we only looked at the instructions twice during the second game. This is probably why the box reccommends that you are aged 10+ to play. On the other hand, Shear Panic does seem to appeal to cats of all ages. Please note: we played with our copy, your copy is still in shrink wrap.
To sum up: Tell me What’s Great About Christmas by Christmas Eve and you can win this insane sheepy game! Yay! Oh, and here’s some knitting content:

This was all pulled back to the ribbing when I realized that I had ribbed too far. I don’t think I will finish in time.
*We were right next door to a William Sonoma and I didn’t buy more vanilla, green sanding sugar or a new kitchen timer. I really don’t know where my head was. Now I am going to have to Make Do.
**Have I mentioned that Christmas is my not my favorite holiday? I haven’t? That’s probably because I thought you guys wouldn’t like me any more after I told you. But now it’s out there: As much as I enjoy lights, decorations, baking and goodwill, I am not overly fond of Christmas. To me it’s always been something you just had to get through so that you can have fireworks on New Year’s.
***The good kind. To take to Christmas Dinner.