I completely forgot to tell you that I made a knitting resolution for 2007!

I am going to make 52 of these.
I know that sounds like I’m committing to one a week, but it’s really just a committment to make 52 by the end of the year. The last week of December 2007 may be a very busy time. To keep score, we will turn to the chart in the side bar. I’ve colored in the 52 squares that I am going to make in 2007 with turquoise. As I finish them, I will convert them to the usual brown.

This image will update with the one in the sidebar. If you come across this entry in 2011, it won’t make sense.
I have also decided to seam the squares together in strips of 10 as I go along. I hope that this will help me actually finish the CounterPain and not just let the squares sit around in zip top bags for the rest of my life. But I’ve got some terrible news. Mattress stitch isn’t going to work because they are knit from the corner up and it looks wonky (I tried it last night). I am going to have to crochet them together. Wait! There’s more:
I don’t know how to crochet. But I’m not going to think about that right now.
With the help of The Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns, I have finally found a use for all that blue Creme Brulee (DK weight merino) I bought when it was discontinued. It’s the only yarn purchase I’ve ever made without a project in mind.

A sweater vest for me!
Here is an artist’s rendering of what it should look like when it is finished:

Except there are seven bands on the front and it isn’t that color blue.
The bands on the front are made by going P1,K1, P1, K1, P1 every 10 stitches of stockinette and then purling on the wrong side. I think it’s going to look nice. I’ll know for sure when I get to the armholes if there is enough yarn.