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Daily Archives: January 22, 2007
When Cats Attack
I heard somewhere that three quarters of the internet is cat pictures. This one is a video. Wahahaha.
Don’t tell Michael, but I spilt coffee all over my keyboard this morning.

But look, Dear! Lady Bird is doing something worse! (They aren’t supposed to get on the counter.)
I’ve actually got a lot of projects going, but since it’s been raining for days I don’t have any pictures for you. The blue vest back is almost finished, Great Gran is working on hats for the Children’s Hospital (by association, so am I – it’s like knitting muppet scalps) and I’ve started another pair of socks. I’ve been putting this particular pair off for an entire year. Wait – let me tell you the whole story:
My friend at the library has enormous feet (size 15 E – the Sock It To Me thing doesn’t go that high) and he wants me to make him a pair of socks. Cotton socks. That should tell you right there why I was stalling: I don’t know of a pleasant cotton/cotton blend sock yarn. So I hemmed and hawed and actually ordered Fixation (6 balls – enough for a tall leg that he could wear with boots). Then I hemmed and hawed and stalled some more. I finally admitted that there was no way I would EVER make these socks from that yarn. So I went to the library and convinced my friend that he really didn’t want cotton, he wanted wool. Lorna’s Laces Nearly Solid Sport in Chocolate to be exact. So now I am halfway through the leg of the first one. I am using a simple (manly) broken rib and I plan to continue it down the foot. I might make the toes dark green. For fun. I’m happy, my friend is happy, but the question remains: what am I supposed to do with six balls of Fixation?
PS I also have something else to show you but I can’t until my Mom gets hers in the mail!