I’ve finished the leg of the first of the GBS (Great Big Socks).

8 inches. I figure since he’s taller than the average guy, his sock leg should be too.
I like the broken rib: it’s interesting but not too interesting, making it a good choice for a Manly Man sock. I’m going to continue the pattern down the foot so I don’t get bored and fantasize about other projects (smaller projects) on the endless trek to the toe.
I’ve also finished the back of the blue vest.

It’ll look better when it’s blocked.
I’ve got plenty of yarn, by the way. I should have a skein left over.
And I set the toaster on fire.

Not my finest hour.
I put the bread in, set the timer and wandered away. After what had seemed like a really long time, the toaster hadn’t gone off yet so I wandered back in to see the smoke. And the flames when I opened the door and let in the oxygen like a dope. It was very exciting. And smelly.
To round off the week, I seem to have picked up the flu. Which makes me very unhappy. Tylenol is my friend.