Monthly Archives: May 2007
WH Helps
That 7 Things Thing
My cousin’s (the one who graduated this week) Senior Ballet Recital was last night. What follows is the traditional ballerina and sock-in-progress camera phone shot.

The sock is in her right hand. Use your imagination.
I didn’t knit during the recital, but I did knit all the way there, in the parking lot, at intermission and while waiting for our table to be ready for supper. I’ve got a little straw purse that I use as my incognito summer knitting bag. Of course, pulling a sock out of it at every opportunity sort of negates the incognito part.

Don’t mock. I got to the heel.
You can blame Elizabeth and Darlene for this next bit.
7 Random Facts
- All the cats are named after First Ladies. Or in the case of William Henry, a president.
- I hate asparagus with a passion that rivals the heat of a thousand suns.
- I don’t like to order pizza on the phone. Or any kind of take-out. Someone else has to do it.
- In my life, I have lived in five places. I am counting college in this total.
- My house has 7 fireplaces. None of them work as fireplaces.
- My current bedtime reading is The Island of Dr. Moreau. I realized that I hadn’t read it (in spite of knowing the story) and went to the library specifically.
- I keep what is known as “farmer’s hours*.” That’s just how I roll.
As far as tagging 7 more people, I am going to be creative (my list of Untagged Imaginary Friends is rapidly dwindling): I tag those of you who are readers but have never left a comment. You know who you are. Go forth and participate in the meme on your own blog! Then leave a comment to let us know where you are so that we can visit.
*Early To Bed Early To Rise
moo cards
Moo Cards. Smaller than business cards and loaded with pictures. I am considering these as my blog calling cards.
Welcome to Yarn Miracle
Glad y’all made it!
I’ve owned for about a year now but due to circumstances beyond my control (laziness/change makes me queasy), it has been a redirect until now. It’s the same old blog, just shinier*. And I think my sideblog has an RSS feed now. Don’t quote me on that**. Don’t forget to update your bloglines and feed readers.
Hang on a second while I figure out how to put in pictures…

There we go. Don’t you love it when your knitting bag matches your work in progress?
That is my current progress on the polo shirt. I love the Shine, it’s pleasant to work with and has a great drape.
I also finished up the Hurricane Sock that will be mailed at the end of May.

Everyone needs a pair of red socks.
It’s a Best Foot Forward sock from Knit Socks! Since my pal has to make the second one, she gets a copy of the book. Which (and I know I have said this before) is a great book in spite of being shaped like a sock. It is worth noting that I only started over once on this particular sock.
I also found out who my Special Swap Partner is for June: Kathy! She is expecting 17 Year Cicadas as we speak. This has nothing to do with the swap, I just want everyone thinking about cicadas bursting out of the ground after 17 years as much as I will. Don’t leave me alone with this. I hope she takes pictures.
*This is only the third look for Yarn Miracle in almost four years of blogging. I said I was not good with change.
**I may be a Complete Liar about that, turns out. I’ll get back to you.
Maude’s Good Time
Maude’s idea of a Good Time. Our tastes differ.
Ends and beginnings
Alice has a new family! There was an adoption day yesterday where all parties involved were struck with love at first sight. We talked to them this morning and Alice is adapting very well to her new home. One more doggy to go!
I finished these on the way home from adoption day:

Which means that I finally get to start something new. Something that isn’t a sock. After a fair amount of deliberation, I’ve decided to make the polo shirt before the lacy top in the Nashua book. Mostly because I find the idea of several feet of stockinette very appealing right now. I don’t know why.

Lime! It’ll match my very loud butterfly skirt.
Hijinks Ensue
A cat, a dog bed, the owner of the aforementioned dog bed. Hi-jinx ensue.
new Knitter!
We have a new Alabama Knitblogger on the list! Please welcome Christa of Pointy Sticks!
There’s a lizard out there.