That is the two sleeves, front and back of the polo shirt. They are a little hard to recognize, and I apologize for that, but for the next step in this project I have to get out the iron. And I just don’t want to.
The reason for this is actually pretty straightforward: I hate to iron. I have a very large backlog of un-ironed clothing (several articles are of a Hawaiian Shirt Nature and have been neglected since last summer). The backlog is in a pile in one of the chairs in my office. I’ve gotten to where I don’t even notice it anymore. The cats have been napping on it. I’ve considered donating the whole thing to Good Will to avoid it. When I get out the iron and the ironing board to flatten my polo shirt facings, I will be forced to address this issue. And I just don’t want to.
Instead, let’s talk for a second about the Dish Rag Tag forums. I am getting such a kick out of this! Only one team has no posts (you know who you are – for Shame!). If you are having any trouble figuring out how the forums work – just email me and I will give you a helping hand. Team Work and Communication is essential to Dish Rag Tag Glory! And I am certain that it will make your team captains feel much better if they hear from all of their team members.
Also: Y’all hurry up and come up with names! Team #So-And-So is just so uninspired.
PS In case your Team Captains haven’t told you yet, I am mailing the boxes to them first. You can start your strategizing with their home location!
We must be long lost sisters/cousins! My kids always thought the ironing board was a toy to used to race Hot Wheels. I RARELY iron, but I married a dear man whose Mother would iron her husband’s jeans. Mine realized he would need permanent press shirts…espeically when I fixed his turned up collar with my curling iron. I’ll be one of your cheerleaders for finishing the polo…you can do it (despite not really wanting to…just focus on the finish!).
1. I cannot believe that I have been SO OUT OF IT that I didn’t know YOU were Queen Mother of Dish Rag Tag! Good for you, you clever ‘along maker upper!!
2. I also hate to iron which is why I do not iron. I hang to dry. It’s the new ironing.
3. The new techno-savvy looking header made my fly-thru comment idea come to a screetching HALT. *sniff* Em. The old header. I loved it. It doesn’t look like home any more without it. If you’re taking down the old sign can I have it to remember you by?? *sniff*
Ha! Ironing with a curling iron! That’s hilarious!
I’m really enjoying the forums and getting to know my teammates – you and Michael are awesome for setting this up!
i’m with you on the ironing! i think that is the reason i drag my feet with sewing!
If I find an old pair of my husband’s pants or something I really don’t like him wearing anymore, I hide it under the pile of ironing and he forgets about it. The stuff he really needs he takes to the cleaners!
Most of my dishrag team has been happily interacting on our forum. It’s great fun – thanks so much for organizing and setting it up so well. We’re anxiously awaiting the presence of the stragglers.
I hate to iron too. It drives my Mother nuts. She used to iron everything. And I do mean everything.
Oh wow, I didn’t know it’s possible to live without ironing. I have to iron almost everyday, at a minimum, my kids’ school uniforms. Wouldn’t want them to go out into the world looking all creased and crumpled 🙂
Iron? I’m soooooo bad about ironing. I bring my good stuff to the nearby cleaners to press.
Dishrag tag. Tell me. Should I be starting one? Im worried if we have a theme I wont be in compliance. I am going to buy the yarn tomorrow. Maybe I should wait on that too. What if we have a color scheme theme?
I don’t want to be the weakest link!
I have very few things that need ironing. I haven’t owned an ironing board in years, and get by with a towel on the kitchen table if something really has to be done. I seriously plan most of my clothing purchases on the will-it-have-to-be-ironed factor.
I second you on the ironing… I even bought myself a new spiffy iron about 4 months ago (when I realized ours did not have a steam setting which I needed for blocking and I singed a little doggy’s sweater – oops!)…
? on the forums – will we be able to see each member’s mailing address soon or where do we go for that info? Thank you for all the hard work you have in making dish rag tag happen – you’re amazing! And did you get that man a drip iv for his coffee??
You could make the rumpled look a fashion statement ;o) I always figure that my body heat will soften the worst of it, and my Mom emphasized to me – in my domestic education – that if you get the clothes out of the dryer right away & hang/fold them, they won’t wrinkle too badly. He, he – I hardly ever iron. Got meself a Scunci steamer, too, for blocking knits. Only my current wip I blocked by handwashing & briefly in the dryer on delicate, laid flat. Wondering a little why I bought the steamer.
Gotta agree, though, coffee makes it all better.
I’ve given up on ironing for the most part, unless DH and I are in a hotel room heading out for a special event. I take shirts (especially expensive Hawaiian silk shirts) to the dry cleaners. I don’t know how to help you with that sweater, though. Maybe if you thought of it as “crafting”?
I for one vote that it is ok for you to get out the iron, take care of your sleeves, then put the iron up without having addressed “The Pile”!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
I got rid of my ironing board about 2 years ago….shirts that MUST be ironed go to the dry cleaners….otherwise I only buy clothing tht doesn’t have to be ironed…..low and behold the world is carrying on!! LOL!!!
You’re supposed to use that thing to make clothes not wrinkly? I though it was to pile clothes on until they got put away.
Irons are not necessary, are they? I thought you could simply block your polo after sewing it together, but what do I know?
By the way, the polo looks very much like an octopus at rest on a chintz chair.
I with you on the ironing. I find it ironic that I only seem to need to iron in the summer. Well “need” is the wrong word since I haven’t ironed my summer clothes since last year. I have them hung on the closet door. I’m amazed the weight hasn’t pulled the door down. 🙂
My land of babydom left me out of the loop with dish rag tag! Darn! I’ll have to join along next time!