I have a hard and fast rule about more than three projects at a time. Let’s take a moment to examine how well that is working out for me.

The den as it is right now.
Item 1

The Tree Skirt – needed after Thanksgiving, when we get a tree.
Item 2

A Mommy Snug – needed as soon as possible for maximum use.
Item 3

Set of six non-sharp baby training kitties that correspond with the six actually-sharp kitties (sweaters to match collar colors) – needed pre-Thanksgiving so that Mom can do their faces. Technically, I guess she could do that at Christmas, but it is a good idea to give her as much time as possible. It seemed very very important at the time.
Item 4

You know the one – it only lacks ribbons. Needed in February.
Item 5

The Neapolitan Socks are finished for the second time! You probably remember these. I am sure Maude does.
Item 6

Socks for Michael – needed whenever I get them finished. The yarn is Chasing Rainbows (Moody Blues) from Crown Mountain Farms the pattern is Scar. I am making Tuscany for myself when these are finished.
Item 7

Bunny Hat! Not needed until February, but did that stop me?
The den is not large enough to include the pair of infant socks that is half finished, the bolster pillow I started over a year ago, the two rounds of Hurricane Swap Socks that I have never made the mates to*, that lime polo that I never put the collar on (it doesn’t fit right now anyway), the socks I started for Michael as part of the pattern writing for RubySapphire, the dozen pairs of socks that need darning and the Everlasting Epic CounterPain (23 more squares to meet my goal by the end of the year). Oh, and the Elspeth sweater – I re-made the sleeves so it just needs Mom to crochet the trim (I don’t think this should count toward my total). I thought I would feel better about getting all this out in the open, but all I feel is shame.
On the other hand, Dish Rag Tag is just about wound up! I am going to go ahead and open up the voting for Individual Merit Awards at the first of next week. If you have any last nominations or submissions for any of the Individual Merit Awards please get them to me by Sunday night!
*I have come to believe that the reason the US has been relatively storm-free for two years is because I participate in the Hurricane Sock Party and then never knit the mates. If you are new to the blog, now is a good time to mention that all my Superstitions are personal. No black cat or boyfriend sweater issues here. I’ve got plenty without them.
De-lurking here. Your UFO pile resembles the volume of mine I had to get realistic about when I thought I would inventory stash and UFOs for Ravelry. A few got frogged which were unloved or no longer applicable. Others have been brought to the surface. The photo inventory for Ravelry didn’t get done, as that would have involved remembering how to work Flickr….
Your projects are looking good, though!
I have the same problem. Overflowing WIPs and a bad case of startitis. I have been making the same baby kimono as you for about four months. I do a couple of rows every few weeks and I just finished it. Strawberry-shaped buttons. Very cute. I’m just trying desperately to get all my Christmas things finished in time now.
Will another dish rag tag be run? I was on Rags to Dishes and I had a fabulous time. This was the best run swap I’ve seen so far. Thank you again.
Your projects seem quite manageable to me. Most of them are near completion or scheduled as long-term. I also have a strict limit for UFOs, but sometimes stretch it. I’ve also learned to frog things I don’t think I’ll finish and “unplan” projects that just aren’t going to fit the time I have. And then there are those that are just keepsakes or knitting done for the process, not the product. Single socks can be relegated to that category. 🙂
Well, you do have a feewwwww things going, there, but it’s all in how you look at it. Hey, your cup runneth over with abundant crafty potential! I love the kitties and the kimono. (And what exactly are the kitties training for? For the baby?)
Being a “3 project” gal myself (4 on occasion) I do feel your pain. I got over my limit recently and had to just organize and work to get myself down to where I’m comfortable again. You can do it 🙂 (BTW, love all the projects and may just have to make some kitties myself! They’re SO cute!!)
Kinda bending the rules a bit Em, but honestly? Not a thing there that you can’t do without! Knit on, my friend!
The knit kitties are to train the baby to be sweet to the real ones. The bunny hat is so that the cats like the baby more. Something for everyone!
Speaking of, Fuzzy Mitten has more than just cats – there are bunnies, monkeys, bears and all kinds of cute clothes for them too.
I do like those kitties. Anything wee just kills me.
That bunny hat is THE BEST! I honestly don’t know how anyone can stick to a 3-project rule. I think I might have a somewhere-around-2-dozen rule. Not all knitting, of course, but still… You have no need to feel shameful.
I wouldn’t worry about it. 3 weeks before you’re do, your nesting instinct will probably kick in, and you’ll finish all of those projects in mere hours!
Pregnancy makes you into a superhero you know.
All I can say is get as much done as you can now – babies are a huge timesuck. I had so many delusions of how much crafting time I’d have…mind you a routine would help…
We were worried about our cat and the baby, but he mostly ignores her (and runs outside when the crying gets too much) the main problem is he wants to sit on my lap while I’m feeding, but if husband is home he will go to him for some lovin’. Your cats should be fine.
Well, I”ll be hosting ths HSP again next year…have to keep the storms away right?
You know.. that doesn’t seem like such a bad pile to me (big grin) especially since most of them are so close to completion. Knit on!
(PS> love that fabulous white baby hat… I’d be working on that one non-stop!)
Hehehe… I have a strict two project rule. One big project and one small project. Right now I have four projects on the needles, and others that I haven’t started yet. 😉
It seems that “hard and fast” is perhaps not the most accurate way to describe your rule about only three WIPs at a time. However, they are all very worthy WIPs, and you’ve had a whole new knitting target inserted into your life without the subtraction of any others, so why shouldn’t you be a bit overwhelmed?
I will definitely be in on the Wee Tiny Sock Swap the second time around if I can help it. I’m a crazy sock addict. Big and small. 🙂
Mommy Snug needed asap? Does that mean that, um… you may possibly be expecting??? Are congrats in order??
Your UFO pile is not bad at all… i’m toooo embarrased to show mine 🙂
The knit kitties are going to be precious.
I say the den is just chock full-of-fun! Write all the projects on strips of paper. Fold them and put the strips in a cool container on the kitchen table. Pick one project strip out and work on it as long as you care to, or pick another strip and work on that. It’s now a game, and what ever you do will make winners all around! The game needs prizes, so make some rewards for yourself when you get something done. I’m cheering you on to victory.
It’s so comforting to know I’m not the only one with projects all over the room 🙂
Good Lord woman!! I finally got one bootee finished. I’ll post pics soon. Thanks for the link to the pattern! 🙂 I’ve also almost finished a kimono in what has to be the most beautiful yarn/color ever!
I say the fact that you have so many projects going at one time only proves what a fantastic multi-tasker you are and is GREAT preparation for February at which time multi-tasking will become a way of life I am sure!!! LOL!!!
Ok, so I don’t feel so bad about my pile of UFOs. I just haven’t been able to focus lately. Everything I come across seems so fun…so I just keep compulsively starting projects.
You’ve got a lot of projects there, but some are so close to completion, you should be able to do it. I never thought of knitting a tree skirt. What a great idea!
Ooo, Bunnies! Can I have one? Please?
You are far more serious about this project confession thing than I am about mine. (better to keep some of mine in hiding.) BTW, just think how far ahead of February you are.