She likes her sweater much more than the hat!

I know that none of these are very good pictures of the finished sweater. The baby photographers for catalogs must spend hours taking pictures hoping for one that actually shows the product to it’s best advantage. I don’t have time for that. So you get what you get.

It fits with a decent amount of room to grow.
I can only hope that her cuteness distracts you.

Want to see something that isn’t cute? You know you do.

Michael’s Moustache!
November is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month to celebrate, there is a Manly Moustache Movement to raise money for cancer research! November has been renamed Movember (Get it? Because of the MOustaches?), participants started growing manly facial hair on November first and won’t stop until December. To me, this sounds like an excuse to not shave for a month, but Movember raised $700,000 dollars last year. To sponsor Michael’s ‘stache donate to Mo.
Michael’s Moustache’s progress has been immortalized on flickr in case you haven’t seen enough. It’s really starting to look like…something. I am really ready for December.
**Yarn Miracle would like to issue a retraction. November is not Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, September is. I don’t know why they picked November for this moustache thing. I guess they went through all the months and “Movember” sounded the best.**
Pictures are lovely to me. It’s hard to compete with an adorable little girl when your a sweater I guess 😉
I’ve never seen Dale without facial hair so I can’t even imagine him without it. Michael’s though? Not so much. Ellie gets cuter every day!
She is so cute! The sweater looks great.
She is so beautiful. Good thing about those Chompers! All the better for her first Thanksgiving.
I love the sweater. Beautiful baby!
She is absolutely, positively adorable. The sweater is lovely, too!
The Movember name sounds a bit hokey, but it’s a worthwhile cause.
Meanwhile, the sweater and baby are very sweet, and very cute. 🙂
The sweater turned out beautifully!! And the baby–she’s looking stylin’ in it!! She is a cutie!!
I’m with Carole… Michael’s a cutie w/o the facial hair! And Ellie – she’s just gorgeous! Look at those teeth! Sweater’s cute too 🙂
OMG, is that teeth in little Ellies sweet mouth?!! How did she get that old so fast?!
I love her sweater and she is a fine model indeed!
Cute is not a good enough word for your daughter. I always enjoy the pictures you post of her on Flicker so much! She’s a doll!
Oh, nice sweater too! 🙂
Oh she is adorable. Sweater? What sweater? Oh, you mean the little blue piece of heaven she was wearing? LOVELY Job. I love candids anyhow!
I think the pics are great! And, Michael looks a little like Kevin Kline acting as a Frenchman. What was that movie?
oh my… such a gorgeous little one! (and the sweater is pretty fabulous too!)
Moooovember… hahahaha..
oh she is so cute…what cheeks! The sweater is also adorable. I like the action shots…much more realistic than those posed catalog shots. 🙂
You’ve got to be kidding me! I have to go tell JR…although, as a survivor, I still don’t think he’d grow facial hair for the cause! We will donate, though!
So adorable!
So adorable the baby I mean! As for your DH I agree i think this is an excuse not to shave. But it is for a very worthy cause!
delightful sweater. she’s lovely no matter what she’s wearing, but the sweater just suits her perfectly.