Any toe-up sock knitters out there?

I’m working on something new. (it’s not a sock)
I’ve got two related questions that I hope y’all can help me with:
Is there a toe-up cast on (besides provisional) that doesn’t require circular needles?
What do you think is the easiest (and easiest to explain) toe-up cast on?
I’ve got a way to do what I need to do, but I think that some kind of closed cast-on would be a much more elegant way to do it. The trick is that I don’t want to require people to have a second set of needles for these toys and I don’t want to force people to wrap their heads around a complex technique that takes a page to explain and might scare people away.
Toy knitting should be fun! Toy knitting should not make you cry and tear your hair.
Any ideas?